Zoe Threads And Earthen Vessels Christian Clothing Companies Is Proud To Announce A Brand New, Redesigned Online Store

Zoe Threads and Earthen Vessels, two Christian clothing brands, announce a brand rew redesigned online store, www.ZoeThreads.com.

Zoe Threads and Earthen Vessels, two Christian clothing brands, announced the redesign of their online store, www.ZoeThreads.com.

"This redesign of our online store will be a huge improvement," said Lauren Ellis, owner of Zoe Threads. "It will be more exciting, easy to use, and efficient than ever before."

About Zoe Threads
Zoe Threads started in the spring of 2009 and offers funny, original clothing for the Christians youth community. Zoe Threads' goal is to edify the body of Christ, spread God's Word, encourage Christian youths to think on God throughout the day, and most of all, to give glory to God.

About Earthen Vessels
Earthen Vessels started with two guys who had a desire to communicate their faith through clothing. Opportunities began to open up and they decided to join the effort in designing Christian apparel. Earthen Vessels was founded in early 2010 and looks forward to seeing what the future holds.

Contact Information

Michael Lee
4872 Bryce Canyon Park Drive
Fremont, CA 94538

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About Zoe Threads + Earthen Vessels

Zoe Threads + Earthen Vessels
4872 Bryce Canyon Park Drive
Fremont, CA
