Ziel Events Group Stresses Importance of Core Values

The director of Ziel Events Group highlighted the values the firm upholds on a daily basis. She also offered some advice on how to instill important principles throughout an organization.

​​Ziel Events Group’s team continues to build its reputation as a dynamic industry force. Company leaders believe this is largely due to shared values and their commitment to upholding them. “We stress some very simple core principles within our company,” stated Rachel, the firm’s director. “I think it’s what allows us to reach new heights consistently and deliver such amazing results for the brands we promote.”

One of the primary values Rachel and the firm’s other leaders emphasize is The Golden Rule. The director added, “It might sound a little cheesy, but treating others the way you want to be treated is the best method to ensure great service. We value integrity and dependability very highly here at Ziel Events Group, and living by The Golden Rule enhances those attributes like nothing else.”

"Everyone at every level of our firm knows how we're doing and what projects we have in the works,"

Rachel, Director

Integrity is another key value leaders at Ziel Events Group uphold in all their pursuits. “For us, acting with integrity is all about being transparent and following through on our promises,” Rachel said. “It also means that we are direct and up front in all our interactions; business partners and customers know what they’re getting when they deal with us.”

Transparency and openness are also stressed by company leaders. “Everyone at every level of our firm knows how we’re doing and what projects we have in the works,” the director added. “There is no hoarding of information here, and we encourage our team members to share their opinions and concerns with us.”

Ziel Events Group’s Director Highlights Strategies for Instilling Core Values in Team Members

Encouraging conversation is one strategy the leaders at Ziel Events Group apply to spread their values among their associates. Rachel explained, “I like to ask our team members which of our company values they think is most important. It’s always interesting to see what our people believe in most strongly. It’s especially fascinating to ask them how we’re doing with upholding our core values. It can be a real eye opener when you get feedback from the people who work in the trenches on a daily basis.”

Rachel also believes linking core values to performance objectives is a good strategy. She commented, “If supplying stellar customer service is one of your company’s core values, you might set a target of achieving 95% customer satisfaction on an annual survey. Once you reach the end of the year and get the results of the survey, you should share them with your entire team and set about making improvements.”

About Ziel Events Group

Ziel Events Group is a comprehensive promotional services provider with a commitment to empowering all represented brands to fully saturate new markets. The firm’s talented and experienced branding specialists utilize futuristic outreach channels in conjunction with in-depth research and analysis to design and deliver event-based campaigns that generate immediate results. These outcomes include heightened visibility, increased referrals, greater loyalty, and impressive profitability. The company’s history and reputation for excellence has led to a diverse portfolio, which contains brands of all sizes. To learn more about the dynamic team and how it helps businesses grow, visit zieleventsgroup.com.