Yahoo Allies with Microsoft for the Big Search

As Yahoo and Microsoft finally launched the big Yahoo-Microsoft Search merge, KSP is more than ever prepared to tackle their campaigns around this transition. KSP's clients don't have to worry about a thing on how this will affect their PPC campa

Keyword Search Pros witnesses the big merge between Yahoo and Microsoft in the PPC marketplace. Announced 18 months ago, KSP have prepared for this transition ensuring its clients that their PPC campaigns have been geared up for this day to happen.

PPC advertisers have still a lot of unanswered questions concerning the big merge, and this is basically about the quality of traffic and the match types that will result from this. Another unanswered question is when the advertisers will be able to set separate bids for Bing and Yahoo traffic.

These questions may remain unanswered for quite a while until Yahoo and Microsoft figure out what to do that will not ruin their alliance. KSP's main concern is that clients PPC campaign performance will work out even better because of the transition.

"Our team of PPC experts will ensure that we know where to bid for maximum traffic quality of our clients' PPC campaigns. We're aiming for consistent quality results across all the major search engines, and not only on Yahoo and Bing. Although so many things are yet to happen, but we want to ensure control of the success of our clients' campaigns," says Peter Dulay, Founder and Director of KSP.

Some clients may work better with Yahoo, while some may excel in Bing, while others may top in Google. Whatever works best for campaign, KSP will do everything they can for the success of their client's PPC campaigns, whether there's a transition or not.