XenData Launches LTO Tape to Cloud Migration Service

New XenData service migrates archived files stored on LTO data cartridges to cloud storage allowing shared access and cloud analytics.
Migrate Files with Checksum Verification

XenData, the global provider of high capacity data storage solutions based on hybrid cloud, data tape and optical cartridges, launches a service to migrate files archived on LTO tape cartridges to cloud storage.

LTO tape cartridges have a 30 years life and have proven to be a very cost-effective way to archive data for the long term. But after several years, there is a need to migrate the LTO cartridge contents to current technology media to avoid the need to maintain old generations of tape drives and systems. XenData archive storage systems have built-in migration capabilities that make it easy for users to seamlessly migrate their files from old generations of LTO to either the latest LTO formats or to the cloud. However, that is not the case for many other LTO archive systems which leave users unable to easily migrate.

XenData is now offering a service that uses its unique migration technologies to transfer content from LTO to the cloud. Supported data formats include LTFS, Cache-A TAR, XenData TAR and Front Porch DIVA proprietary formats. Contents may be categorized and reorganized before being migrated to AWS, Microsoft Azure or Wasabi public clouds. Alternatively, contents may be migrated to the latest LTO formats: either 6 TB LTO7 or 12 TB LTO8 cartridges.

Dr. Phil Storey, XenData CEO, commented, “When you are keeping archived files for a decade or more, migration is a fact of life. Our new service takes the pain out of that process, allowing files to be indexed, analyzed and shared.”

About XenData

XenData is a global provider of professional data storage solutions optimized for video and other applications with high volumes of large files. It offers highly scalable on-premises active archive systems and hybrid cloud solutions built on a global file system. XenData archive systems provide secure long-term retention of digital assets on RAID, LTO, optical disc cartridges and/or the cloud. Its hybrid cloud solutions allow file-based applications to use cloud object storage without modification. Furthermore, they allow massive quantities of files to be synchronized across multiple cloud and on-premises locations.

XenData has customers in over 90 countries, including government organizations, large corporations, TV stations and media production companies. For more information visit: www.xendata.com.


For more information:

Alyssa Adriano
​Marketing Specialist
​XenData, Inc.
T. +1 925 464 2618
E. aadriano@xendata.com

Source: XenData

About XenData, Inc.

XenData is a global provider of professional data storage solutions optimized for video and other applications with high volumes of large files. It offers cutting edge hybrid cloud solutions and highly scalable on-premises active archive systems.

XenData, Inc.
20005 State Highway 88, Suite D
Pine Grove, California


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