WowWe Launches Enterprise Solutions for Corporate Clients

Build relationships. Build your brand. Grow your bottom line. With WowWe Enterprise services.

Effective internal and external communications require a personal touch, a visual hook, a way of penetrating the clutter to ensure your message hits the mark.
The launch of WowWe's Enterprise Solutions package gives businesses the ultimate tool for accomplishing their marketing and communication goals by unlocking the unparalleled power of video.
The heart of the WowWe system is its state-of-the-art video email and video conferencing platforms. With the industry's most intuitive interface, coupled with the strictest security standards, WowWe offers your business the best strategy for unlocking the power of video to build your brand and grow your business.

WowWe Inc. Founder William "Bill" Starkey brought together an award-winning team that includes the developers of the PocketTwit Twitter client and the co-inventor of Apple's QuickTime VR to create a system that runs circles around products such as WebEx, GoToMeeting and Skype.

The technology that has resulted is, in a word, spectacular. WowWe Enterprise offers:
• High-definition Web conferencing with "go to meeting" capability and up to 50 participants in a single meeting.
• The ability to store an unlimited number of contacts, making distribution a snap.
• Full Private Label to seamlessly integrate your brand into all your WowWe communications while maintaining your look and feel.
• Mobility. WowWe runs flawlessly on a desktop, laptop, iPad, iPhone, Android and all other smart phones.
• Connection to an ASP certified, super-fast, super-secure datacenter that offers unparalleled security and guaranteed access to millions of email inboxes.
• A complete video communication system for small businesses to world-wide leaders with the flexibility to expand as your business and brand grows.

Think you don't need video as part of your communications strategy? Think again and consider:
• "Video email marketing reaps 280% higher returns than direct mail." - Gartner Research
• People retain 10% of what they hear, but 50% of what they see, a 400% increase. - Wharton Research Center
• 75% of all environmental stimuli are received through visual reception. - Doug Malouf
• 63.9% of 5,000 people watched a video sent via email to completion. The average email viewer will only spend 8 seconds reading a text-based email - Marketing Vox
• "Good service is not enough. A customer who is 'emotionally connected' to your place of business is likely to spend 46% more money than a customer who is merely 'satisfied' but not emotionally bonded." - Gallup Survey
• "Video conferencing improves decision making" -- Genworth Financial CIO Scott
• When presenters use visual aids in their presentations, they are twice as likely (67% vs. 33%) to achieve their objectives. - Decker Communications
WowWe Enterprise Solutions gives your business the power to unlock this potential with the best tools and the most competitive pricing. WowWe gives you everything you need, including custom templates, technical resources, launch assistance and system training.

To learn more about WowWeEnterprise, visit or contact Casey Minshew at 281-973-2544.