Worldwide Timeshare Hypermarket And Silverpoint Team Up To Combat Fraud

Global leisure brand Silverpoint has teamed up with Europe's largest timeshare resale company - Worldwide Timeshare Hypermarket - to combat fraud and provide it's members with a reputable resales option.

It has long been a concern that certain rogue resale companies have been targeting and taking advantage of Silverpoint owners. In a positive move to put a stop to this sharp practice, Silverpoint's CEO Mark Cushway and Phil Watson, MD of Worldwide Timeshare Hypermarket have forged a relationship between the two companies which will help protect owners from the small but persistent minority of rogue traders in the industry.

Whilst Silverpoint has a first-class resales service of its own, this partnership will see Worldwide Timeshare Hypermarket appointed as Silverpoint's only official offsite resale agent.

The rationale behind this move is that rogue companies work on the premise that owners, if the price is right, are often happy to explore the possibility of selling their timeshare. This interest is exploited through the practice of cold calling owners and hard selling them with fraudulent offers. Worldwide Timeshare Hypermarket NEVER cold call the general public so with this partnership in place, owners can rest assured that any company which cold calls them is to be avoided.

Mr Watson said of the move: "Worldwide Timeshare Hypermarket is very proud to be associated with Silverpoint and to be involved in stamping out rogue traders and protecting timeshare owners from fraud. It is encouraging that a major developer like Silverpoint recognises that the best way forward is to work alongside an established and reputable resale company like ours.

"This initiative will only help to enhance the sales prices that are already achieved through our national advertising campaigns on television and in the press. Both I, and my staff, see this partnership as a major step forward for the industry and we are all looking forward to working with Silverpoint and in being associated with one of Europe's leading timeshare developers".

This partnership has been endorsed by the Timeshare Association (TATOC) and CEO Harry Taylor had this to say: "having worked in the past with both of these companies I am extremely happy to see this sort of collaboration. It is indicative of how Silverpoint and WWTH see the future of the industry in that they want to protect their owners and provide an excellent service for them".

To find out about Worldwide Timeshare Hypermarket visit:

For more information about Silverpoint visit their corporate website:

About Worldwide Timeshare Hypermarket

Worldwide Timeshare Hypermarket
Woodland Point, Wootton Mount
Bournemouth, Dorset, United Kingdom,


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