Wood Gifts Of Top Handcrafted Quality Now Offered At MadeInAmericaByAnAmerican.com

MadeInAmericaByAnAmerican.com is a new company that designs and creates handmade elegant, exotic wood items in an effort to advocate top quality American products and honor the American laborer.

To say that the economic turmoil has made lives difficult for businesses, workers and consumers is an understatement. Reports note that one in every American in the United States alone is out of a job. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics notes a drop in the unemployment rate to 9% from 9.4% in 2011. However, many do not have job security as they have grabbed seasonal employment opportunities.

MadeInAmericaByAnAmerican.com, a leading creator of handmade wood gifts and other wood items that effectively combine artistry and functionality, aims to create beautiful, long lasting American made products and employ more Americans.

A new player in the industry, MadeInAmericaByAnAmerican.com or MIABAA makes a variety of products such as wood bowls, candlesticks, candle snuffers, coasters, cool key chains, ice cream scoops, letter openers, magnifying glasses, pet urns, ring holder, sake cups & saucers, seam rippers, shoe horns, wooden pens, fountain pens, and cross refill pens - which are essentially made with wood.

Founded by a couple who worked as master carpenter and a former ATA flight attendant, MIABAA was formed to alleviate the consequences brought about by the terrible economy.

"Each day, for months, we asked ourselves, 'What does everybody need that no one has?' After time they realized it wasn't about making something different or inventing something new. It just had to be made in America by an American. We are proud to say that our wooden gifts are made here in the United States by American hands," the MIABAA founders stated.

Americans cannot compete with foreign factors due to the extremely low cost of labor and the fact that there are no labor laws to regulate labor in other countries. To address this issue, MIABAA is dedicated to making products made in America and to employ Americans in their own home offices. The raw materials are bought from companies in the United States, and all products are assembled, turned, or made in the country.

According to MadeInAmericaByAnAmerican.com, the home office setup alleviates the loss of time driving to and from work, fuel fees, paying for parking, uniforms and other overhead assets. It allows individuals to have the right that they did not have before. This also allows American families to have more quality time in a household, especially since most households have both spouses working.

Individuals looking for custom wood gifts that are elegant, unique and exotic should visit http://madeinamericabyanamerican.com and take part in the goal of addressing the employment woes of Americans and promoting USA-made products.

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