What's Up with Google and Apple?

Google and Apple have extended their search deal concerning iPhone 4's search application. And Keyword Search Pros is looking forward to tap this new innovation in mobile search marketing to better serve its clients.

Two big companies in one business deal? Yes, that's true. Although these two may not always have agreed, but when Apple announced that its iPhone 4 would have Bing as a search option, a new twist have cropped in their search deal that have been on the talks since last year. Google and Apple have finally renewed their search deal regarding the iPhone.

In an interview in BusinessWeek, Eric Schmidt, Google's CEO casually mentions that Google and Apple have "extended their deal", quoting: "Apple is a company we both partner and compete with. We do a search deal with them, recently extended, and we're doing all sorts of things in maps and things like that. So the sum of all is that two large corporations, both of which are important, both of which I care a lot about, will (remain) pretty close."

This recent development in mobile search will have a significant effect in PPC search advertising on Google. Keyword Search Pros will study more closely about this matter as it continually looks for more ways to give its clients the best rewards in online marketing.
