Webinars Unleashed Turnkey System for Webinar Excellence

Webinars Unleashed is the collaborative fruition of a MENSA member, professional coach, and filmmaker. This blueprint system allows inexperienced and experienced authority experts to seamlessly share their expertise with varied online audiences.

Who are Jonathan Green, Joey Smith, and Stephen Renton? They are the powerhouse team behind the most anticipated internet marketing launch of 2011. Merging their combined experience in business technology, consultation, electronic media, search engine optimization, university academics, MENSA membership and coaching--this trio has developed the new standard of online marketing. Their collective product is called Webinars Unleashed.

This trio reimagined, revamped, and redesigned the traditional methods of online webinars. The objective was to formalize a system that compensated for the tendency of humans to use only about 10% of their brains. While this product has an immediate apparent application to marketers other applications include academia, training, and ad hoc communications during emergencies.

The comprehensive nature of Webinars Unleashed provides an A - Z blueprint that is easily accessible by online marketers, beginner as well as advanced. The ability to rapid track and automate success in the most problematic areas of marketing is only one of many selling points of this software.

An additional benefit of Webinars Unleashed includes leveraging the power of a new auto pilot viral joint venture model that fast-tracks incredible amounts of online traffic while exponentially building mailing lists. This auto pilot viral joint venture model works without using any of the traditional methods of search engine optimization, pay per click, and social media.

Jonathan Green, the quiet "brains" of the group is a MENSA member and holds a Master's Degree with Merit from King's College in London. Mr. Green adamantly feels that webinars are the future of bringing in online traffic with a teaching component model. His successful use of emerging technology to leverage traffic for brick and mortar businesses has allowed an easy transition to the world of online marketing. Mr. Green anticipates market saturation and definition as familiarity with webinars increases throughout society. However he does not know when that tipping point will occur.

Joey Smith, the second member of this trio is an established coach. The importance of personal coaching cannot be overlooked. His specialty is clarifying issues, introducing possibilities, and coaching clients towards successfully obtaining desired outcomes. Understanding how left brain and right brain attributes affect our daily lives, Mr. Smith is skilled in teaching clients how to allow the appropriate intergration of their technical and creative thought processes. As noted by Mr. Smith competence and confidence from one area of life often transfers to other areas.

Stephen Renton is the third member of this trio. Mr. Renton has traditionally worked behind the scenes assisting global organizations such as the World Health Organization, Price Waterhouse, and Barclays Capital. He has decided to come out from the trenches for the development and release of Webinars Unleashed. This is Mr. Renton's pet project. He feels it is time to allow non technical people to build and grow their online businesses in record time, without the usual hype and misleading statements of "push-button" systems. Mr. Renton's formal academic training includes the National Film School in the UK.

So you have the technical expert, the coach, and the creator merging their expertise to benefit webinar producers.

A summation of some of the advantages of the Webinars Unleashed system include:
* an analysis of 9 types of webinar models
* techniques to generate participant excitement
* and event promotion using multiple modalities.

Visit http://tinyurl.com/3r4vgf2 for more information. The official launch for this product is May 10. Affiliates can join prior to the product launch. Don't be a follower, be a leader.

About LCB Enterprises

LCB Enterprises
6250 Ringgold Road # E
Chattanooga, TN
