Usage of Smartphones Among Kids Has Overpowered All Other Electronics

The usage of smartphones and tablets have grown highly among kids. This has minimized the usage of all other consumer electronic devices amid kids in the U.S., as per global information.

Almost all urban households in the world with a child in the age group of five to fourteen, owns a smartphone in present time. The percentage of such households have experienced a sharp rise in just the past one or two years. Even uses of gadgets like tablets have doubled this year in comparison to last year.

Though electronic devices are quite popular among children, but there has been a remarkable rise in the number just because of the smartphones and media tablets. Studies say that this extraordinary growth is mainly seen among kids, whereas the percentage of rise in the usage among the elder generation remains almost steady as last year.

The chief reason that the consumers claim for purchasing a smartphone device from a retail mobile phone shop is the pricing. Costing again is considered the most important factor among people who purchases from mass merchants. Others who have bought from the specialty retailers desires to get proper sales support and reliable services. For most of the built-up families, technological devices are staples and work as traditional toys having the ability to engage with almost any member of the family.

No doubt there are huge benefits of mobile phones, both for adults and children like ease of communication anywhere and at any time. But every technological device providing benefits has harsh consequences involved with it, so it surely warrants more attention, especially when used by young people. Now-a-days it’s not a surprising fact that mobiles and tablets have replaced the basketballs and dolls on the wish list of a child. Even more and more mobile phone shop in Dudley

 is popping up almost daily in one or the other place in the city.

This increases the concern of how mobile technology is affecting the brain development of children. A lot of debate is being created on this topic among parents, educators, and researchers. So considering the potential effects of smartphones on the psychology and development of a child has become highly important for each and every parent.