Ultimate Hockey Builds Business On The Web

Ultimate Hockey's new website (UltimateHockey.co.uk) is using some of the latest features available on the web to tackle the problem of simplicity. With the launch of their new website Ultimate Hockey at aiming to take on the rest of the competiti

Ultimate Hockey Builds Business On The Web.

Ultimate Hockey's new website (UltimateHockey.co.uk) is using some of the latest features available on the web to tackle the problem of simplicity. With the launch of their new website Ultimate Hockey at aiming to take on the rest of the competition the field hockey, hockey equipment such as hockey sticks, hockey goal keeper equipment and much more. With the current economic climate, Ultimate Hockey has already seen the fall of one of their competitors. This will ultimately mean more business for Ultimate Hockey.

Ultimate Hockey has been established for over 5 years and is based in the leafy suburb of Birmingham. Their online presence has been growing from strength to strength. With their new website UltimateHockey.co.uk aims to reach audiences that they previously could't reach.

"Customers have a right to have a simple buying and navigation process. They need to be able to find items quickly and not be tied down to any lengthy process. We believe we have achieved this. Also the administration of the site is even simpler which means we can save time managing the online shop" said Ultimate Hockey managing director Richard Frye.

The service is aimed at both amateur and professional hockey enthusiasts.

The new website has meant extra investment by Ultimate Hockey - and a new member of staff to manage the service.

Contact: Ultimate Hockey Limited at 0121 778 6005 - email address: info@ultimatehockey.co.uk

About Ultimate Hockey

Ultimate Hockey
229/231 Lakey Lane
B28 8QT
