Type 2 Diabetes Research Saves Patient on the Brink of Death in New Book; Author Featured in WebMD Diabetes Magazine

In a new book, The Journey, a former sugarholic discusses his battle with type 2 diabetes and how he overcame his odds of survival.

​​​Type 2 diabetes should have taken the life of the patient whose close brush with death is featured in WebMD Diabetes Magazine’s Fall 2016 issue page 19. Unaware of his condition, he continued his lifestyle of consuming excessive sweets of all kinds, even for breakfast and midnight snacks. Then it happened. Upon waking each morning, he found an increasing sticky whitish substance covering his tongue as well as the corners of his eyelids and in a panic drove to his doctor’s office.

Testing showed he had a blood glucose level of 21.9 millimoles per litre or 394.6 milligrams, more than five times the normal levels of 4.0 to 6.5 mmol/L. Dr. Anthony Robinson, who examined the patient, explained to him, “The whitish sticky substance on your tongue and eyes in the morning is the excess sugar buildup in your body exiting. You are not far from going into cardiac arrest.”

I gave up and decided that I too should 'manage' the diabetes. But somehow, I mustered the strength to visit my doctor and ask him point blank, 'Dr. Robinson, can type 2 diabetes be cured?'

Ernest Quansah, Author of 'The Journey'

“When he diagnosed me with type 2 diabetes, I went into shock,” says Ernest Quansah. “I became numb and stared at his office wall.”

For two years after diagnosis, Quansah tried every type 2 diabetes cure he could find, but none worked. “I was really discouraged and overwhelmed,” he says. “I gave up and decided that I too should ‘manage’ the diabetes. But somehow, I mustered the strength to visit my doctor and ask him point blank, ‘Dr. Robinson, can type 2 diabetes be cured?’”

“Yes,” he affirmed, an answer confirmed by several other doctors and experts.

Quansah’s avid research began, under the guidance of his doctor and a doctor of Chinese medicine specializing in diabetes. The research revealed that when one becomes a type 2 diabetic, one’s body becomes insulin resistant. The revelation led to the conclusion that, to reverse the diabetes, all the patient has to do is restore the body’s insulin sensitivity.

Further research led to his discovery of a three-part diabetes reversal and cure program. The doctors helped to develop the program, which was successfully tested. Quansah began to feel a surge of energy.

Follow-up tests showed that he was completely healed. His doctor praised him. “Congratulations!” he said. “You are no longer a diabetic.”  When my doctor said that, I told him that I thought I should help other type 2 diabetics heal. He replied, “That is an excellent idea.” Ever since, I have made it my mission to help type 2 diabetics reverse their condition.​ Quansah received an invitation to join Academia.edu, accepted it, and posted his research. See https://independent.academia.edu/ErnestQuansah.

Quansah, now a type 2 diabetes consultant and lecturer, went on to establish Discover Diabetes Self-Cure. In his new book, The Journey: How I Cheated Death in 21 Days, endorsed by Dr. Anthony Robinson and backed by two other doctor testimonials, he chronicles his experience, research method, the development of the three-part program, and the remarkable success that came as a result. “The methods used were all natural,” he emphasizes.

His book, the complete three-part self-cure program, and the before- and after-cure blood test results are posted at http://discoverdiabetesselfcure.com to help other type 2 diabetics reverse and cure their diabetes.

The WebMD story can be found in the WebMD Diabetes Fall 2016 issue on page 19 or by going to this link: http://www.webmd.com/magazine/, Under Read Our Special Edition, select Fall 2016 Diabetes link and go to page 19.

Ernest Quansah is available for TV, radio and press interviews.

Press Contact Information:

Phone: 604-616-8401
Email: ernestq_037 (at) telus.net
Book ISBN: 978-0-9947670-2-8

Source: Ernest Quansah, Author of book The Journey

About Discover Diabetes Self-Cure

Discover Diabetes Self-Cure was founded by Ernest Quansah a member of Academia, The company provides resource to to help type 2 diabetics cure their diabetes

Discover Diabetes Self-Cure
6556 Marlborough Avwnuw , #202
Burnaby, BC
V5H 3M1