Twenty Extra Minutes To Escape Smoke Asphyxiation

The PROVITA Smoke Hood is a new personal escape hood, that provides personal protection from the effects of most toxic smoke fumes, allowing the wearer vital minutes to calmly evacuate a dangerous smoke filled environment.

Santa Barbara, CA - Soft Logic, Inc. announces that it will be exclusive US distributor of the PROVITA Smoke Hood, a new personal escape hood that provides personal protection from the effects of most toxic fumes, allowing the wearer vital minutes to calmly evacuate a dangerous smoke filled environment.

Air travel for business and leisure purposes continues to grow strongly worldwide each year. Understandably, airline safety is at the forefront of these travelers minds.
FAA statistics reveal that there is currently "an unscheduled landing of a commercial aircraft on average more than once a week" in the United States due to smoke and/or fire situations. Survival in a critical fire situation has depended until now on getting out fast. Statistics show, however, that of those who die, 80% do so following incapacitation through breathing in smoke and toxic fumes during their attempts to escape, rather than from the flames from the fire itself.

An electrical fire on Air Canada Flight 797 in 1983 caused the deaths of 23 of the 46 passengers due to smoke inhalation. In the 1985 British Airtours Flight 28M 48 lives were lost from the effects of incapacitating and subsequently lethal toxic gas and smoke. Most of these fatalities could have been avoided if these airplanes were equipped with smoke hoods such as the PROVITA Smoke Hood.

The PROVITA Smoke Hood reduces the exposure to smoke and many of the toxic gases from fire situations, protecting the wearers' head and respiratory system from heat and smoke particles, allowing freedom from disorientation, and time for escape. It is manufactured from a transparent, heat resistant, gas impermeable material and incorporates a chevron shaped activated charcoal filer, back and front, with a rubber seal at the base.

The PROVITA Smoke Hood is composed of advanced quality polymide film developed by DuPont™ sold under the registered trade mark KAPTON®. The transparent material extends over the head down to the shoulders. The hood is relatively inexpensive, easy to don and when packed fits into the pocket, handbag or briefcase.

To learn more about SOFT LOGIC, INC., please visit

To purchase call (805) 967-3702.

About Soft Logic, Inc.

Soft Logic, Inc.
5860-C Hollister Avenue
Santa Barbara, CA,
