Travel Website Pacific-Dreams.Net Goes Live With Enhanced Features

The much awaited website of Pacific Dreams was launched with much fanfare at their corporate office. The launch of this particular website will be giving an edge to the vast customer base of Pacific dreams and will take the success rate of this organ

This year the number of travel portals being launched has risen manifold. There are quite a few websites that are catering to the needs of vacationers and frequent travelers who either need to travel for business or personal reasons. People behind these travel websites have the much needed expertise and infrastructure to make travel really comfortable and enjoyable for people all across the world. Travel websites have the contacts to get the best deal for individuals and groups who intend to travel either in the same country even to distant lands. Thus if one is planning a vacation travel websites are the best option as one will not be really required to take care of small or big issues.

This particular travel website has multiple offices with a state-of-the-art fulfillment center located in Winter Park, FL. Administrative offices are located in Fayetteville, GA, a suburb of Atlanta. Along with that the company has almost 9 other offices and customer service centers throughout the southeast US. The company began its operations in 1981 and was originally set up as a dive reservations company that assisted resorts throughout the Caribbean.

As Pacific Dreams believes that a customer needs individual attention and is a class apart from the majority if the travel portals one comes across the internet as they offer trained Concierge Specialists to service their customers. A toll free number to talk to one of the trained Concierge Specialists is another feather in the cap of pacific dreams as they believe in passing all the benefits to their customers. This particular organization is leveraging the power and economies of the Internet to deliver exclusive benefits to its customers.

As this organization has an array of professionals working for them who work on salary basis and not on commission basis as many other organizations are working. The amount of commission is passed on to the customer itself. Thus at the end of a deal it's the customer who reaps the benefits of the deal. Getting the lowest priced deal with the most of the benefits intact is the USP of this organization which has stood the test of time for almost 2 9 years

About Pacific Dreams: Pacific Dreams is a Concierge Travel Service, where a client is the most important entity for people working over there. Pacific Dreams is constantly searching the globe to bring the very best values available for their customers. They save the money of each customer by leveraging the incredible buying power with the most reputable suppliers in the world.