Travel To Go San Diego "Gets Fit" with Time2Sweat

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Travel To Go, a privately-owned company specializing in affordable luxury vacation memberships, has hired Wendy Brinker, Time2Sweat, to provide fitness opportunities for company employees and families.

Wendy Brinker, owner of Time2Sweat, is a certified fitness trainer and has been a group instructor and bodybuilding competitor for 31 years. Her goal is to assist in building confidence, character and enthusiasm for fitness in everyday life. Time2Sweat offers a full range of services from group to personal sessions, including personal shopping for nutritious food options.

Travel To Go offers complimentary workout sessions to their employees and their families two times per week. Each Tuesday, workouts are held at the Travel To Go office. Employees use steps for aerobic activity and lift weights to burn fat and increase lean muscle. On Saturdays, participants meet at Mission Bay and participate in a "Beach Body" workout consisting of football and basketball activities designed to increase the heart rate and burn fat.

According to Tina Baxter, Travel To Go Accounting Assistant, "It feels great to be involved in something that is positive and healthy." She notes that she is mentally sharper and has more energy. She also adds that "I am thankful to be able to work for a company that cares enough about employee health to provide this benefit." Avy Armas, a four -year employee of the Member Assistance Department says " I have never been physically fit and never thought I could be. After participating in the company fitness programs, I have more drive, am more energetic, take on more tasks and know I can be as healthy and fit as I choose to be."

Ms. Brinker notes that employer- offered training sessions are the exception and not the norm. Wendy reiterates that if employers carefully consider the benefits of healthier employees and families, they would offer similar programs. Physically-fit employees have less health insurance claims which lead to lower group insurance rates for companies. Additionally, physically-fit employees have more energy and take less sick days. In the long run, fitness programs are cost- saving propositions for company owners.

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