The Symbiosis of Small Business and the Press

In a down economy, small businesses have less money to get their message out, while media layoffs mean reporters have to fill more space with less resources. This would appear to be a great opportunity, but normally ends up a waste of time for all.

In a down economy everyone has their challenges, including both small businesses and the press establishment. Small businesses have less money to get their message out, while media layoffs mean reporters have to fill more space with less resources.

It would seem as if this would be the perfect opportunity for small businesses to help reporters out, while getting a mention of their product or service. Unfortunately, it usually results in a lot of wasted time for all involved.

"New entrepreneurs often think that all they have to do is send out a press release and their big news will be broadcast to the world", said Roger Pearson, President/Headmaster of The FireStar Institute. "The problem is that reporters get hundreds of these announcements every week and don't have the time to rewrite the information into a newsworthy story."

The good business person designs a marketing program from the customer's point of view. Likewise, a good press release should be written from the reporter's point of view. It should read like a reporter wrote it. Saving a reporter research and rewrite time results in greater chance your release will be used.

From a news standpoint, it doesn't really matter what you write. What is important is how you frame the story. For instance, discuss how your product can solve a 'hot' topic currently in the news. Or, tie it into a human interest subject, such as children or pets. Remember, most people do not care about your company. They only care what your company can do for them.

"Learning the proper way to interact with the media is a marketing tool every business should have", Mr. Pearson said. "That is why we chose this subject as our first advanced marketing course at the institute."

The FireStar Institute has created a nine part series of basic business courses covering business concepts, marketing concepts, time management and money management. In addition, there is a series of advanced courses, with more being added each month. The advanced courses include titles such as 'Working with the Press' and 'Tax Implications for Sole Proprietors'.

Seagull Technologies was created in 1992 with the mission of computer service and education to individuals and small businesses. Their focus is now on the educational aspects of business by utilizing Internet-based learning systems and related software. The FireStar Institute's press room is located at

Seagull Technologies, Inc
dba The FireStar Institute
PO Box 342204
Tampa, FL 33694-2204

About The FireStar Institute
