The Michigan Straw Poll Winner and the Loss for Perry

The Republicans have chosen their candidate in the person of Mitt Romney. Is it better luck next time for Rick Perry?

The Republican Presidential candidate, Romney has defeated Rick Perry and others from the GOP arena. He has won the National Journal Hotline or the National Association of Home Builders Straw Poll. The candidate claimed clean success by 51 percent against 681 votes that were cast. The first runner up being Perry could garner just 17% of votes.

This was the second straw poll incidence for Perry. The twin defeat along with a weak performance at a debate, there are serious doubts about the Texas Governor's forefront position in the GOP nominations.

Mitt Romney has been the son of the Michigan Governor and has enjoyed a swanky childhood at the governor's mansion in the suburban area of Detroit. He has served the state as the chief executive from 1963 to 1969. The phase continues to be of vital importance to the general elections overall.

A recent conference got a taste of the two candidate's wit. While Perry kept on digging into Romney, the other candidate spoke of relevant things like Obama's economic leadership. "I just don't think he's equipped for what's happening," said the former Massachusetts Governor.

The third position in the straw poll has been achieved by Herman Cain, the CEO of Godfather's Pizza. The CEO bagged about 9 percent of supports. As far as the votes for the Vice Presidential candidates are concerned, the Florida Sen. Marco Rubio was a clear favorite; he received 23% votes against the 81 votes that were cast. The followers were Cain at 14 percent and then were Gingrich and Bachman at 13 and 12 percents respectively.

The Straw Poll attracted nearly 700 voters and was conducted at the biennial Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference. It must be noted that this poll is not a survey based on scientific principles and thus, does not reflect the voting attitude of people at large.

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