The Lightworkers Circle Hub Launched

A new website has been launched to support the book The Lightworkers Circle Guide - A Workbook for Spiritual Groups', written by Wendy Stokes. It is called the Lightworkers Circle Hub and is sponsored by the New Age Blog.

The Lightworkers Circle Guide - A Workbook for Spiritual Groups', written by Wendy Stokes and published worldwide by O Books explains how to channel messages from angels and ascended masters. It has received rave reviews in the US and the UK. Feature articles have appeared in many publications, eg., current issue of Kindred Spirit Magazine (Summer Special).

Lightworkers Circle Hub is a new FREE global online members' site specially designed by Trevor Mayes, owner of the New Age Blog in conjunction with Wendy Stokes, to support purchasers of 'The Lightworkers Circle Guide' to bring their circles and messages together in an online community..

Intuitives, lightworkers, channelling mediums and spiritual seekers of all kinds, as individuals, in partnerships or as existing spiritual groups are invited to use this site, whatever your desire, we wish to empower and assist, inspire and support you and your group.

By using this site, you can share skills, exchange information, discuss ideas, seek advice, promote your work, publish your channelled messages and create a page where you can advertise your meetings, develop your school of thought, raise money for charities. You can have your channelled messages made into an ebook, view 'how to' videos, gain strength and friendship. The sky is the limit for you on this amazing New Age Blog and Hub where you can click on links to take you to other members, the shop, to articles and reviews.

The Hub provides for members:

A custom web page which can save the expense of setting up their own website
Meetings can be listed in a calendar and Events advertised
Channelled messages can be posted and issues raised across the Hub
Places of special energies for channelling and healing can be reported
Support is provided in organising circle activities
Useful contacts

'The Lightworkers Circle Guide' is available on Amazon or from good bookshops. (ISBN 978-1846943874) Wendy Stokes has donated her author's royalties to The Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust that protects endangered species from extinction.

More details concerning the Circle Guide and the Hub can be seen at

To join the Lightworkers Circle Hub contact Wendy Stokes email: website:

For all website related enquiries contact Trevor Mayes email: website: