Terri Johnson's New Book 'The Write Way to Grieve' is an Emotionally Charged Account of Grief and Heartache as a Consequence of an Unexpected Suicide

Recent release 'The Write Way to Grieve' from Covenant Books author Terri Johnson is a narrative of a mother's journey through pain after the death of her son and serves as an advocacy of raising the awareness of suicide and its emotional perils.

Terri Johnson, an advocate for suicide prevention and intervention with experiences of working with the Florida Association of Suicidology and her church’s Grief Share Program, has completed her new book, “The Write Way to Grieve”: a thought-inspiring book that shares the author’s turmoil of losing her son to suicide and the determination to spread knowledge about depression that can result in the taking of one’s own life.

Terri shares, “The guilt of Ryan’s suicide dictated my mood daily. There was no pattern or consistency as I limped through each work day somehow or other, tears or no tears, anger topped with a large helping of guilt guided me toward a very slippery slope. My job in human resources required me to interface with dozens of employees every day. I became withdrawn. I felt exposed and vulnerable around people after Ryan’s death. To maintain a sense of sanity, I spent many lunches locked away in my office. Sometimes I would cry. Sometimes I would cry over my phone to my husband or grief counselor, but many times I picked up my pen, some paper, and I would write.”

Published by Covenant Books of Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, Terri Johnson’s new book is a written testament that conveys the significance of suicide awareness in preventing and intervening suicidal individuals, saving them and their loved ones from hurt and guilt.

Johnson’s pivotal and timely book contains prose and poetry which mirrors her feelings throughout the grueling years of coping with the trauma of her son’s death. “The Write Way to Grieve” is the author’s reply to a call for emotional, physical and mental support, as well as a resonance of suicide not being the answer to disappointments.

Readers can purchase “The Write Way to Grieve” at bookstores everywhere or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

Covenant Books is an international Christian owned and operated publishing house based in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. Covenant Books specializes in all genres of work which appeal to the Christian market. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Covenant Books at 843-507-8373.

Source: Covenant Books

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