Springfield Missouri Comedy Troupe Recreates the Real-Life Story of 1953 Cobra Invasion

Members of Springfield Missouri comedy team The Saucy Cabaret, are reliving the memory of one of Springfield's more frightening incidents in a special webcast presentation this Halloween. A real-life story of a peculiar event which in 1953 made local and national headlines—even the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) carried the story of Springfield's Cobra Invasion.

The members of Springfield’s comedy team The Saucy Cabaret, are reliving the memory of one of Springfield’s more frightening incidents in a special webcast presentation this Halloween. A real-life story of a peculiar event which in 1953 made local and national headlines—even the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) carried the story of Springfield’s Cobra Invasion.

“I had this idea years ago to do a broadcast of Springfield’s Cobra Invasion of 1953 similar to what Orson Welles did with War of The Worlds on radio Halloween night in 1938. Seventy-seven years later, we have a very funny show with several guest star voices that recreates the story of the Springfield cobra invasion” says Johnny Pinney, founder of The Saucy Cabaret and veteran stand-up comedian.

"I know the audience will find the musical bits very funny and entertaining. We had a hard time recording them with a straight face"

Ed Underwood, Member, The Saucy Cabaret

Guest stars include Uncle Gregory, Springfield’s own television horror host as the narrator; news reporter Aaron Campbell; sportscaster Dante Rebor; character actors Jonathan and Heather Stanley, and life coach and speaker Thomas Harrison deliver quirky performances during the show. Many of the cast play multiple roles throughout the 30 minute program. The voice actors join the members of The Saucy Cabaret: Johnny Pinney, Ed and Karen Underwood.

To keep the radio play interesting, Karen Underwood created musical numbers just for this performance; an opening rock and roll anthem called “The Queen City Boogie”, a radio commercial for a fictional lumberyard and a closing love theme during the credits. “I know the audience will find the musical bits very funny and entertaining. We had a hard time recording them with a straight face” said Ed Underwood.

The show will post to the comedy group’s website, saucycabaret.com on Halloween and remain there for 24 hours. 

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