Spain Book Now Available - Top 10 Barcelona (Eyewitness Top 10 Travel Guides)

'Top 10 Barcelona (Eyewitness Top 10 Travel Guides)' by Annelise Sorensen is available at, a website that shows travelers how to travel to Spain for free.

'Top 10 Barcelona (Eyewitness Top 10 Travel Guides)' by Annelise Sorensen is available at, a website that shows travelers how to travel to Spain for free.

"'Top 10 Barcelona (Eyewitness Top 10 Travel Guides)' is the perfect companion for travelers. I decided to check out this book because of a good experience I had with a similar guide in London on a previous trip to the United Kingdom," says Kiara J. Mccrea of, a site that helps travelers get 85% discounts on any plane flight to Spain.

"I saw very similar benefits with this guide as I had seen with the London guide. For example, it included interesting lists such as things to do in the city, various neighborhoods, the best cafes and bars," said J. Mccrea.

"It also included sample itineraries for a tourist wishing to spend a day in each neighborhood such as the attractions to look for at each place. And the best feature of all is the guide's compact size," adds J. Mccrea.

"I traveled to a city where most people do not speak English. So, I really liked the main map that displayed all of the important streets in an uncluttered fashion," added J. Mccrea.

"The mini-maps included in the assorted top ten lists also made it easy to find places I wanted to go to. And I enjoyed the list of the top ten drinks you will only find in Barcelona like the Sangria, Orxata, and the Granissat that are refreshingly different from anywhere else," explains J. Mccrea.

"Similarly, there are lists for food items, shops, etc. Information like this makes you confidently blend in with the locals," explained J. Mccrea whose site,, helps travelers get 85% discounts on hotels in Spain.

"Annelise Sorensen's book is a good one," says J. Mccrea. "If anyone wants to know more about 'Top 10 Barcelona (Eyewitness Top 10 Travel Guides)', or how to travel to Spain for free," adds J. Mccrea, "they can visit our site at"

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Cayce, SC
