Smart Travel & Incentives Spring & Summer Vacation Destinations Reviews

Smart Travel & Incentives offers amazing vacation incentives sure to suit all your travel needs. Smart Travel & Incentives also reviews great vacation destinations and offers travel tips & tricks. Smart Travel Destinations are sure to please.

Smart Travel & Incentives offers premium travel and vacation packages at amazing affordable rates. To help you make your dream come true, Smart Travel & Incentives also offers travel reviews, guides and articles about vacation destinations. In addition to Smart Travel & Incentives Reviews, they are also interested in eco-tourism and green vacations and offers articles and tips about eco-friendly vacations. Here at Smart Travel & Incentives, we take pride in being able to assist you with planning your dream vacation and Smart Travel & Incentives Destinations are amazing and we hope to assist you by making your dreams come true.

Los Angeles, California

Great weather. Like, almost always. And tons of things to do, from people watching at Venice Beach to shopping on Rodeo Drive. World-class dining and nightlife can be found everywhere, and you might even get in the occasional celebrity sighting. As Frommer's puts it, "Angelenos know their city will never have the sophisticated style of Paris or the historical riches of London, but they cheerfully lay claim to living in the most entertaining city in the United States, if not the world."

Los Cabos, Mexico

From Hollywood stars to rowdy teens, Los Cabos, Mexico, attracts 'em all for a quick winter getaway - and it's no wonder. Beaches, mountain, and deserts - you name it, this place has got it - with a plethora of activities to enjoy the best of each. Scuba diving, fishing, golfing, whale-watching, hiking, and biking are just a few of the outings on offer. Whether you choose to stay in crazy Cabo San Lucas with its bars and nightclubs or in the quieter, picture-perfect village of San Jose del Cabo, you are guaranteed a good time.

Maui, Hawaii

It may be a long way to go, but it's worth it when you get there. The island of Maui in Hawaii has a stunning array of natural attractions and activities to keep the whole family happily occupied. If it's beach you want, beach you'll have. Maui's more than 80 beaches are all accessible to the public - and they're among the most beautiful in the world. The one closest to your hotel is probably perfect for you, but you might also consider visiting Fleming Beach Park, named America's Best Beach in 2006 by Florida International University's "Dr. Beach," Dr. Stephen P. Leatherman, or Hamoa Beach, the ninth best beach. But there's so much more to Maui, including biking, hiking, surfing, snorkeling - all manners of outdoor pursuits and water sports. Maui's Haleakala Crater - a dormant volcano - in Haleakala National Park is a great place to hike year-round and whale-watch in the winter. The park's wilderness provides ample adventure opportunity. Maui also hosts the nation's largest the nation's largest tropical reef aquarium at the Maui Ocean Center.

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