Small Biz Thoughts Names Richard Hassman as Business Development Executive.

Richard Hassman Brings 6 Years of VAR Experience to Small Biz Thoughts. Sacramento, California. May 2011. Small Biz Thoughts today announced that Richard Hassman has been named Business Development Executive. Richard will focus on growing IT autho

Richard has a vast resume of business experience. Most recently he has been excelling in the Merchant Services industry, where technology changes daily and taking extraordinary care of your clients means staying on top of the constantly changing landscape. Richard has also worked in talent management and production in Hollywood and spent many years successfully running restaurants and catering businesses prior to transitioning to vertical channel sales.

Karl W. Palachuk, CEO and Founder of Small Biz Thoughts, is pleased to welcome Richard and present him to his supporters. Karl says "We are excited by the vitality Richard brings to our company and find his plans for continued IT roadshow engagements, like our 2010-2011's Intel Hybrid Cloud Roadshow Tour, in line with our commitment to engage and develop the SMB community."

Small Biz Thoughts Marketing Manager, Monica Caraway, praises the excitement Richard shares in valuing Karl's efforts to bridge the gap between vendors and MSPs, VARs, and those in the SMB space. "Richard understands what Karl has to offer the SMB community through Small Biz Thoughts. Our audience already spans throughout North America, the UK, and the Asia Pacific region. Together we will expose more IT and channel professionals to Karl's wisdom and experience. Karl remains on the leading edge of technology, particularly in relation to cloud services, and Richard's experience will help us further develop our fan base of professionals earnestly seeking to capitalize in this economy and establish themselves as more than just the 'IT break fix guy'."

Small Biz Thoughts asks the small business community to help them welcome Richard to the Business Development Executive position. They are encouraged by his sales and business talents and background. They look forward to continued and greater success with Richard on their team.

** Small Biz Thoughts is one of the content and training divisions of the Great Little Book Publishing Co, Inc. Small Biz Thoughts provides education and training resources for those working and consulting in the SMB space.

The "Cloud Services Roundtable" is a bi-monthly podcast series and blog supported by Small Biz Thoughts and has an international following. More information can be found at and**