Skyline Apps Launches Synergy GPS Latitude

Skyline Apps, the leading developer for mobile phone applications has released its newest add-on application for its users: The Synergy GPS System.

GPS or Global Positioning System is a navigational system that involves satellites and computers that can determine the current location of a user. This is commonly known as geographical locator.

While there are many GPS programs in the marketplace, The Synergy GPS System is unique in its ability to be incorporated into mobile apps made with the Skyline Apps platform. For example, Skyline Apps has an emergency mobile app where The Synergy GPS System can provide for Search and Rescue missions. Imagine having car trouble and being able to broadcast your location to someone who can help you. Having GPS available, family members, friends, and rescuers can easily determine your location and give you assistance right away. Adding The Synergy GPS System to Skyline travel mobile app allows groups or family members to locate each other in foreign places. Travelers and Adventurers can use The Synergy GPS system to get them back on the main roads if somehow they get lost on an uncharted path.

Businesses can use The Synergy GPS System to track everything from deliveries to staff working in the fields to picking up that VIP for an important meeting. Celebrities can use The Synergy GPS system to keep their fans excited about their whereabouts...but don't worry, The Synergy GPS system allows the app publisher to either broadcast their current location or a past location. Hey, where is Elvis?!

The Synergy GPS System has the following highlight features:
• locate friends;
• Find current geographical location;
• Add or Invite friends to locate each other;
• Privacy settings to disable your location to the public;
• Manage location settings and monitor history or previous location.

The Synergy GPS System is only one of thousands of app add-ons available on Skyline Apps mobile platform. The Synergy GPS System application is available for use at no cost. Users can access this and many other mobile applications by setting up a free account with Synergy Network. Synergy Network is a social network site that allows users to interact with each other as well as with Skyline Apps customer service team. The Synergy GPS is the latest application that SkylineApps has added to their list of cool widgets and applications for smartphones such as the iPhones, Blackberry, and Android phones.

Skyline Apps mission is to provide innovations in mobile computing for businesses to access applications and communicate via mobile devices. Skyline Apps' U.S. Patent Pending technology offers users a Content Management System (CMS) that is economical and efficient in managing information, and customization of different features for mobile and web applications.

About Skyline Apps Inc.

Skyline Apps Inc.
633 W. 5th Street, 28th Floor
Los Angeles, CA
