Ski Accommodation Finder Accelerates Social Media Exposure For Ski Accommodation Owners

Ski Accommodation Finder accelerates social media exposure for ski accommodation owners. Ski Accommodation Finder has completely transformed the way it rewards its loyal accommodation subscriber base.

Ski Accommodation Finder is bringing the social media experience to ski accommodation owners, hotel-, chalet- and apartment providers via Facebook and Twitter. Social Media has given many new faces to loyalty and marketing campaigns. Ski Accommodation Finder has completely transformed the way it rewards its loyal accommodation subscriber base by using social media channels to help ski apartment-, chalet- and hotel owners to engage with ski travel makers and bring participation, loyalty and fan base.

New accommodation subscribers will now be welcome on both the company's Facebook ( and Twitter (!/skiaccommodatio) accounts including a welcome message and a link to the accommodation providers' websites. Ski Accommodation Finder will also publish the latest news from registered chalet, apartment and hotel owners, accommodation videos, ski travel tips and any special offers.

Liliya, Ski Accommodation Finder's online marketing manager explains 'we are trying to add additional value to our subscribers, helping them to showcase and spread their accommodation offering via social media'.

Search Engines too have finally come to embrace Social Media and so should ski accommodation owner, especially if they want their website to continue to rank top for important ski travel search terms. Liliya comments 'our social media initiative helps our subscribers to get more links back to their own website, which in return helps their search engine rankings, effectively making our offering a win-win-win for everybody involved - more visibility, more exposure and better rankings'

Ski Accommodation Finder is a new way to get and let ski apartments, chalets and hotels in no time - a unique, fun and low cost channel to get bookings. Ski Accommodation Finder offers huge benefits for both ski travellers and ski accommodation providers. Ski Accommodation Provider can register accommodation in less than a few minutes. There is a small annual subscription fee but no other charges and no commissions. Once registered chalet, apartment and hotel owners will receive all relevant ski accommodation enquiries and can make quotes.

About Ski Accommodation Finder
