Sherry Myrick's New Book 'Angel' is a Gripping Novel That Highlights a Mother's Undying Love for Her Children

Fulton Books author Sherry Myrick, a native of Alabama, has completed her most recent book "Angel": an emotionally charged fiction filled with suspense, mystery, and the highlight of all, maternal love. It follows the story of Sidney Dalton who has kept the birth origin of her sons for decades. Come 2021, her long-buried past is coming back to haunt her; putting her sons' lives in danger. Sidney will now have to reveal the truth, no matter how ugly and painful it may be, for the sake of her beloved sons' safety.

Myrick shares, "No more postponing, no more delaying, the day is here. The time has come for Sidney Grace Dalton to break the silence and to reveal the hidden truth. She has to inform her sons of the situation of danger, suspension, and fears behind the fate or chance of how their family came to be. From the beginning to the end, a reader will have anticipation as the hidden truth is revealed."

Published by Fulton Books, Sherry Myrick's book is a deeply absorbing piece that knows how to captivate a reader's attention. The story takes the flashback route of storytelling, keeping the suspense and anticipation for the truth to be finally revealed.

For those who are looking for a new series to read, this one is a satisfying choice.

Readers who wish to experience this page-turning work can purchase "Angel" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books