Sharie M. Meekins' New Book 'Therapy and Me' is a Profound Story About Grief and Depression Filling a Child's Heart

Fulton Books author, Sharie M. Meekins, an entrepreneur, an author, a certified life coach, has completed her most recent book "Therapy and Me": a heart-stirring tale that talks about a girl who is dealing with sadness and grief after she lost her dad. She spiraled down after losing him and this depression affected her and everything around her. Eventually, sessions with her therapist lifted her up.

Meekins shares, "This book is about a little girl who received some incredibly sad news from her mommy that her daddy passed away while he was out of town for work. The news made Eve incredibly sad. She completely stopped talking to everyone and did not want to be around her family. Her brothers tried to take her out to do some of her favorite things to try to cheer her up, but nothing worked.

Eve started doing poorly in school, and the other kids in her classroom started complaining about her appearance and body odor. Her teacher reached out to her mommy, explaining what was happening in school, and offered to help find Eve a therapist (someone who helps you deal with your emotions). Eve's mommy found a therapist who deals with children that suffer from grief and depression. The therapist's name was Ms. Linda. Eve did not say much to her therapist on the first day. All she could do was cry. But as time went on, Eve realized that her therapist was genuinely nice and that she was there to help her deal with her feelings and emotions.

As weeks and months went on, Eve and Ms. Linda grew closer. She was able to help Eve learn how to express herself without completely shutting down. She helped Eve realize that even though her daddy was no longer here on earth, he would always love her, and he would always be proud of her. Eve learned that having a therapist can be a great experience, and it's nothing to be ashamed of!"

Published by Fulton Books, Sharie M. Meekins' wonderful illustrated story tackles an important message on dealing with the loss of a loved one and handling the grief that comes with it. It speaks about depression and how a little girl dealt with the pain through the help of people around her.

Readers who wish to experience this lovely work can purchase "Therapy and Me" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books