SEO Link Monster Could Sandbox Your Site

Steve Gibbons, SEO marketer and author of a new SEO strategy guide, "Google Knockout", points out the fatal flaw in SEO Link Monster and shows how using it could get a site penalized, or worse, sandboxed.

If you're active in the Internet Marketing world at all, you've probably heard of the newest blog network to hit the virtual shelves - SEO Link Monster.

Its creators are some of the best known in the business - Matt and Brad Callen and Dori Friend. Together these three have brought in millions by supplying the IM world with tools to make marketing simpler - tools like SEO Elite, SEO Nitro, SEO Link Vine, My Article Network, and more.

But is their newest creation on the same level as their previous successes?

Steve Gibbons, webmaster of and author of the soon to be released Google Knockout, doesn't think so.

"The problem with SEO Link Monster is that it's powerful...I'm talking really powerful; and while that may seem like a good thing to most people, experienced SEO'ers will recognize the danger of that much power - if you're not careful with how you handle this "monster" you'll end up getting your site sandboxed or penalized real quick."

So how does one use the power of SEO Link Monster without abusing it and sandboxing a potential moneymaker?

Steve says the key is utilizing these blog networks like a boxer uses a haymaker or uppercut in the ring - as a finishing move, not an opening salvo. "Using something like SEO Link Monster as your first punch is a guaranteed way to get yourself knocked out of the rankings...quick. However, if you build up with the right kind of links beforehand - like a boxer using jabs and punches - then fire away with the "monster", you'll watch your competitors drop like a boxer who just got K.O.'d."

What are these prerequisite links?

Steve explained by switching to a relationship metaphor, "You ever been on a first date and had someone say "I love you"? Probably not, and if they did, there probably wasn't a second date! Why? Because you had no relationship with that person, so hearing something as big as "l love you", without any relationship pretext, scared the daylights out of you!"

"Ranking in Google is no different; if you want Google to trust you and rank you #1, don't come out with the big guns right away...instead start off with some smaller links, and preferably some links that Google already trusts and considers important. Using these links to give you some initial credibility is the ideal way to build a lasting relationship with Google, one that will allow you to use the big guns like SEO Link Monster without any of the nasty side effects, like being sandboxed or penalized."

With all the warnings, you'd think that SEO Link Monster is something Steve discourages people from buying but surprisingly that's not the case:

"SEO Link Monster is a great buy, no scratch that, a really great buy, if...and I mean know how to use it. That knowledge of On-Page SEO and foundational Off-Page SEO is crucial to seeing any success with SEO Link Monster. I'll even go so far as to say that buying SEO Link Monster without knowing how to implement On and Off-Page SEO effectively is a complete waste of your money; you might as well flush those dollars down the toilet."

Since that knowledge of On and Off-Page SEO is so crucial to SEO Link Monster's success, Steve is offering a pre-release copy of his guide, "Google Knockout", to everyone that buys SEO Link Monster through his link.

While SEO Link Monster does offer some SEO training, it's at an additional cost, something Steve disagrees with wholeheartedly: "While I recognize that this is the age of upsells, downsells, and cross-sells, it still frustrates me to see such a useful product like SEO Link Monster handicapped for every user that doesn't spring for the SEO training upsell. By purchasing through my link, I allow buyers to skip that upsell, save that money, and still learn how to use the full power of the "monster". I consider that a win-win."

SEO Link Monster hits the market on February 7th, 2012. For more info on it, or to check out Steve's insider SEO Link Monster review, head over to SEO Link Monster Review

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