Self Publishing Can Cause Confusion & Overwhelm for Authors. Ellen Violette Helps With Free Monthly Publishing Q & A!

Self Publishing, One of the Fastest Growing Industries In the Book World, Causes Confusion & Overwhelm For Authors. "Ask Ellen", A Free Monthly Q & A, Helps Authors Navigate Through The Process!

By Ellen Silverstein Violette

November 8, 2015

"Ellen is great at finding good titles in addition to the entire process from copywriting through self-publishing. She's awesome, and I can't recommend her enough."

Jackie Ruka , Happyologist & Best-Selling Author

San Diego, California- According to The Flagler College Gargoyle (Nov. 8th Edition) Self-publishing has become one of the fastest growing industries in the book world.” And authors, who are unable to get noticed, are opting instead to self-publish.

And while self-publishing is a great option for many authors, and in fact, can make them more money than traditional deals in many cases, it is not a quick road to cash.  Authors have to learn how to design (or hire someone to do it for them), market, and sell their own books, and many struggle with the maze of options available to them and the decisions that have to be made at each stage of process.

That’s why “Ask Ellen” was launched. Every month, publishing and platform expert, Ellen Violette, helps authors navigate through the process with a free Q & A called “Ask Ellen”.

Whether authors want to publish a physical book, ebook or both, this is a place where they can get all of their questions answered so they can make informed decisions and reduce the learning curve to becoming a success self-published author.

About Ellen Violette

Ellen Violette is a world-renown and award-winning Publishing & Platform Building coach. She has trained hundreds of authors all around the world and influenced thousands since 2004 when she became the very first eBook Coach. She has also helped several authors on the road to a high-6 or 7-figure income.

Since that time, eBooks and books have become much more closely aligned and she now works with both book and ebook authors.

 Make no mistake, in a time when connecting with clients and customers is more important than ever, becoming an author can be one of the most powerful tools in brand building, getting noticed, and being taken seriously. Ellen Violette specializes in teaching individuals how to quickly and efficiently craft books and eBooks that cover all these areas and much more.  She also has a 100% success rate taking authors to #1 on Kindle.

On these calls, Ellen Violette will share her hard earned experience with interested business people and authors.

“The truth is that it can cost thousands of dollars to learn the ins and outs of self-publishing if you aren't careful, and it’s easy to get in with the wrong “experts” and waste money. There are too many people out there who call themselves publishing experts. It’s hard to know who to trust” commented Violette,

“That’s why I offer this call for free- so people can get the help they need and make the self-publishing journey as easy as possible on themselves. They don’t waste thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours from making bad decisions.”

In addition to being the CEO, Ellen is also an International  #1 best selling author herself.  “I am very excited about holding 'Ask Ellen'. Nothing makes me happier than showing authors a clear path to self-publishing success that every author can achieve!  

“Ask Ellen” meets ever second Monday of the month and her company continues to receive remarkable feedback from clients.


For more information and to register for these free calls go to:
