Second-Time Surrogate Delivers 'Surrobaby' for Same-Sex Couple

ROCKVILLE, Md., December 16, 2019 ( - Second-time surrogate and surrogacy case manager Jennifer Lange delivered a healthy baby boy on Nov. 14 at Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Center in Rockville, Maryland. The parents were able to be present for the birth and are now at home enjoying their first few weeks of parenthood. This is Jennifer's second surrogacy journey with a second set of gay intended parents - her first surrogacy delivery was in March of 2018. Some intended parents and surrogates prefer no contact during a surrogacy journey, however, Jennifer and both sets of intended parents were thankfully able to develop a close friendship after being matched via surrogacy agency Creative Family Connections. Recently, the new parents brought their baby boy to visit Jennifer’s three children, giving them the opportunity to meet the baby and see him where he belongs, which is in his fathers' arms.
Throughout both of her surrogacy journeys, Jennifer wrote about her incredible experiences in two blogs, which she has shared with her friends, family, and the intended parents' families. Read more about her first journey here, and her second journey here.
Jennifer Lange, Surrogacy Case Manager
Jennifer became a case manager with surrogacy agency Creative Family Connections in September of 2018 after completing her first surrogacy journey for a set of gay intended parents. Jennifer's role at Creative Family Connections is to provide direct support to intended parents and gestational carriers (surrogates who have no biological connection to the intended parents) throughout their journey. Jennifer earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from York College of Pennsylvania and has spent over 10 years working as a registered nurse in various areas of health care, including nursery and pregnancy postpartum care before joining Creative Family Connections.
Jennifer has always had a passion for helping others, both as a registered nurse and during her own surrogacy journeys as a gestational carrier. This passion for helping others build their families has carried over into her professional career as she loves sharing her firsthand knowledge of surrogacy. Jenn resides in Maryland with her husband and three children. She loves to run in her free time and enjoyed running during both of her surrogate pregnancies.
Source: Creative Family Connections