Scientology Volunteers Hold Syringe Clean Up

Los Angeles, CA, February 16, 2016 ( - The Say No to Drugs, Say Yes to Life Foundation announced a syringe pick-up Sunday, February 14, in the Palazzo Bernini area beginning at 8:30 am. Abandoned syringes used by drug addicts can be found in the refuse that litters the area.
With syringes frequently dumped in parks, Italian Scientologists in cities around the country carry out syringe pick up events as part of their commitment to make their communities safe for children.
The Catania volunteers also expressed concern with the social disparities that breed what they called “citizen ghettos” like this area of the city, where drug addiction and other degraded conditions abound.
In the last cleanup they carried out there, the volunteers confiscated and disposed of some 80 syringes.
The primary work of these Scientologists, though, is an educational initiative where they help young people learn the truth about drugs and their harmful effects before they become victims of drug abuse.