Scientology Volunteer Ministers Rush Supplies to Help in UK Flood Recovery

Cumbria, England, January 17, 2016 ( - In two days in December, Storm Desmond pummelled Cumbria in northwest England with more rain than it usually receives in a month. At the height of the storm, some 42,000 properties were without power.
But despite the personal toll, local residents were cheered by outpouring of help, including from a team of Scientology Volunteer Ministers. As the BBC reported, “complete strangers from all over the region are joining forces to lend a helping hand.”
"Complete strangers from all over the region are joining forces to lend a helping hand."
Learning that cleaning products were in short supply, the Volunteer Ministers loaded their vehicles with buckets, mops and brooms desperately needed by storm victims in their clean-up efforts, distributing the supplies door to door to households throughout Carlisle.
“The community was really close knit and everyone was working together,” said one of the volunteers. “Although many people’s homes were destroyed there was a spirit of community and people were helping each other and just getting on with it.”
The Volunteer Minister program was created in the mid 1970s by Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard, who described the Volunteer Minister as “a person who helps his fellow man on a volunteer basis by restoring purpose, truth and spiritual values to the lives of others.”
The Church of Scientology volunteers 50 millions hours of global humanitarian aid, education & disaster relief through volunteer organizations. Watch this 60-sec humanitarianism video to see how Scientologist volunteer workers are helping communities. More on