Sales Personality: What Is The Profile For Success, And Which Traits Separate Men And Women Sales Reps? makes some interesting discoveries about the personality of salespeople.

PsychTests AIM Inc., one of the web's foremost sources of personality assessments and pre-employment tests uncovers interesting statistical results of their Sales Job Fit Test. People with experience in sales seem to share certain distinct characteristics that set them apart from those who are not in the field. To take the test, go to

The term "salesperson" has not been without its negative connotations. For some, it may to bring to mind the image of slick, devious person with a wicked smile (maybe even a gold tooth), and a pushy attitude that makes you feel as though your very life depends on buying his product. Others might think of those haughty, snobby salespeople who plaster on a fake smile and tell you in an equally fake voice how "amazing" you look in their product, when what you actually look like is a frumpy sack of potatoes. Times have changed however, and while there may still be some devious and dishonorable salespeople out there, the demanding field of sales requires more than a silver tongue or a gold tooth.

After administering their test to over 2000 people from the general population, PsychTests learned a thing or two about the type of people who venture into the field of sales. Experienced salespeople possess good interpersonal skills, are comfortable being assertive, and have a knack for public speaking and taking initiative. They are also much more confident, competitive, and mentally tough than their non-sales counterparts and, despite the notorious reputation of salespeople, also scored higher in Integrity.

"We learned some very interesting tidbits about the profile of salespeople - and that's just the tip of the iceberg." says Dr. Ilona Jerabek, the president of PsychTests. "Our assessment also revealed some surprising overall gender differences, sales experience aside. For instance, while men tend to be more competitive, mentally tough, more comfortable with public speaking and receiving rejection, women were shown to be more helpful, neater, possess more integrity as well as better detail orientation, time management and organizational skills. The results we have uncovered not only allow us to further improve and perfect out sales assessment, but they also tell us that we have a valid assessment that can reveal strong candidates for the sales field."

PsychTests' sales personality assessment is available for personal use on to individuals who are curious to see if sales is their "calling". Test-takers can go to A more in-depth version is available to human resource managers as a hiring tool, available on PsychTests' HR testing site, Arch Profile. For more information on how to use the Sales Job Fit Test or other pre-employment tests that PsychTests offers, please visit

Ilona Jerabek, Ph.D., President
PsychTests AIM Inc.