Sadie Robertson of A&E's Duck Dynasty & ABC's Dancing With the Stars Supports Girls Empowerment Movement and Donates to Charity

Escondido, CA, September 8, 2015 ( - BYOU collaborates with celebrities and influencers, and their charities of choice, to create custom, limited-edition, positive-messaging apparel collections and together, make the world a better place to be for our girls. Recently, BYOU announced Sadie Robertson of A&E’s Duck Dynasty fame is the latest star to join their efforts.
The power of a celebrity or other influencer’s image and message to help good causes is beyond doubt. The lifestyle empowerment brand BYOU certainly realizes this, and have created the BYOU Celebrity Signature Fundraising Series to bring together celebrities, their charity of choice, and the BYOU girls empowerment movement to make a difference and touch lives around the world.
"My favorite part about the video was her motto, when she says 'Live Original' because right as she said that I was like … 'wow, exactly what BYOU stands for'. Because BYOU is about being different, being unique, being yourself, being original!" ~ Candace Writer
Candace Writer, Video Editor
In this spirit, BYOU recently announced that Sadie Robertson, of Duck Dynasty and Dancing With the Stars fame, is joining BYOU for their latest campaign.
Sadie Robertson has captivated audiences and become a motivational and inspirational icon to teens and parents alike. With her unassuming charm, authenticity, bright smile, and high values, Sadie is unafraid to speak candidly about her love of God and family, and her message to “Live Original.”
Being just one of the millions who saw Sadie’s ‘Live Original’ YouTube video; Candace Writer, 21 and daughter of BYOU co-founder Greg Writer, took action - sending an invitation to Sadie to join the BYOU Celebrity Signature Fundraising Series and spread their common message together.
“My favorite part about the video was her motto, when she says ‘Live Original’ because right as she said that I was like … ‘wow, exactly what BYOU stands for’. Because BYOU is about being different, being unique, being yourself, being original!” ~ Candace Writer
BYOU and Sadie will be offering a custom-designed collection of tees, tanks, hats and bags – all with the BYOU / Live Original message – that will be sold exclusively at for a limited time from September 8-18, 2015.
Both BYOU and Sadie are passionate about benefiting a greater cause as part of the work they do, and $7.00 from the purchase price of every item sold will be donated to Sadie’s charity of choice: “Purchased”. “Purchased” is a ministry designed to LOCATE, LOVE and MOTIVATE women in the sex industry and victims of sex trafficking through outreach, friendship, and biblical community. For more information visit: