Robert Dixon's New Book, 'The Uriah Syndrome,' is an In-Depth Analysis of the Ever-Increasing Problem of Spiritual Abuse Within the Church

'The Uriah Syndrome' from Covenant Books author Robert Dixon is an in-depth analysis of why spiritual abuse has plagued the Church, especially within the past fifty years, and how the body of Christ can prevent it.

​Robert Dixon, a licensed professional counselor (LPC) who was a member of Sovereign Grace  Ministries (now Sovereign Grace Churches) for 30 years, has completed his new book, “The Uriah Syndrome”: a personal and historical account exposing the problem of spiritual abuse, its debilitating effects on the body of Christ, and yet ministers hope, healing, and a way forward to those affected by this vexing but avoidable problem.

Dixon writes, “Church leaders caught in immoral behavior and the cover-up of physical, sexual, spiritual, and psychological abuse—authoritarian leaders who insist on maintaining control over the flock while wreaking havoc and causing profound emotional, spiritual, and psychological stress, including the need for psychiatric hospitalization, while some even succumb to suicide. Congregations riddled with broken relationships, divided families, separation, divorce, and children who reject God or anything having to do with church!

Why is this happening? What is the cause and culprit of such upheaval in the church today? Is there a remedy?

Just like King David, who sent Uriah to his death in order to cover up his own scandalous behavior, many leaders in the church today are willing to sacrifice individual members and even entire congregations in order to maintain power and control over the church and choose to cover up horrendous abuse in order to preserve their reputations.

God never intended it to be this way. Yet why do many congregations find themselves in such a precarious position? The church—who is the fullness of Christ, the pillar and foundation of the truth—was never meant to cower before power-mongering leaders who take Scripture out of context in order to advance their own agendas and propagate a legalistic and performance-based culture in the church.”

Bob Dixon has written an insightful and compelling book that attempts to answer these and other questions, as well as provides a surprising answer for individuals and churches who suffer from these pernicious but avoidable problems that find their root in the misuse and abuse of authority in the church, what he refers to as—the Uriah Syndrome.

Published by Covenant Books of Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, Robert Dixon’s new book is an important and timely effort that promotes awareness and inspires readers to reengage in this real but often ignored issue. The author prays that this book will serve as a catalyst for change and encourage people to hope, to heal, and to move forward.

Readers can purchase “The Uriah Syndrome” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble.

Covenant Books is an international Christian owned and operated publishing house based in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. Covenant Books specializes in all genres of work which appeal to the Christian market. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Covenant Books at 843-507-8373.

Source: Covenant Books

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