Retro Canadian Hockey Jerseys
Online, January 6, 2010 ( - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Press Contact:
Steve Scott
Public Relations
Vintage Leagues Ltd.
Vancouver, BC...Vintage Leagues, Ltd. contributes a dozen historic hockey sweaters for inclusion in the "Go Canucks Go: The Hockey Exhibit" to open at the BC Sports Hall Of Fame on January 8th, 2010.
Each sweater represents a pivotal Team that existed between 1900 and 1945, all of whom played a significant role in establishing professional hockey in Vancouver and British Columbia; yet the original Team sweaters are now extinct. Only black and white photos commemorate these historically important jerseys of yesteryear which is why Vintage Leagues, Ltd. was required to employ Curators and Historians while embarking on the extensive research necessary in order to design, reconstruct and manufacture exact replica jerseys; down to the finest details including: Team colours, texture, striping and Team logos.
Jon Mikl Thor, CEO of Vintage Leagues, Ltd., went to the extent of meeting with 1945 Canucks' Alex Pringle and Andy Clovechuk in order to ensure that the re-creation of the retro Canucks jersey was accurately portrayed in the original hues of red, white and blue.
"Every sweater has a unique personality, like every Team has a story. The collection of sweaters were chosen based on the Teams' contribution to the advancement of the Sport in Western Canada. One of the prize sweaters from the early 1900's, is the mysterious Vancouver Ramblers jersey. They were the first organized hockey Team in the City who were not able not finish their 1900 season because their home ice melted. Their sweater, a relic of its time, is strongly Victorian, bearing an eccentric letter R that sits on an all red sweater" states CEO Thor.
The "Go Canucks Go: The Hockey Exhibit" is ideal for visitors coming to Vancouver, BC for the Winter Olympics. It offers a way for the World to interact with Vancouver heritage through what Canadians, (a.ka. "Canucks"), are best known for; hockey. Vintage Leagues, Ltd. hockey sweater collection is a fascinating display that tells the story of how hockey was born in Vancouver, leading to the 3 Stanley Cups on the West Coast, and it demystifies how the Vancouver Canucks came to be.
Following the January 8th exhibit, Jon Mikl Thor will be embarking on a Worldwide appearance and promotional tour, beginning in Baltimore, to promote the website (the first in the line of retro jerseys), the Pacific Coast Hockey Association, Vintage Leagues, Ltd., and the "Go Canucks Go: The Hockey Exhibit" in at the BC Sports Hall of Fame.
The following sweaters will be donated by Vintage Leagues, Ltd.:
1910 Vancouver Ramblers (Vancouver's first organized Ice Hockey Team)
1911/1912 Vancouver Millionaires
1911/1912 New Westminster Royals
1914/1915 Vancouver Millionaires-Stanley Cup Champions
1915/1916 Portland Rosebuds
1916/1917 Seattle Metropolitans-Stanley Cup Champions
1921/1922 Vancouver Amazons-Women's World Champions
1922/1923 Vancouver Maroons
1924/1925 Victoria Cougars-Stanley Cup Champions
1928/1929 Victoria Cubs
1938/1939 Trail Smoke Eaters (World Olympic Champions)
1945/1946 Vancouver Canucks