Reiki in the City: Healing Hands for Stressed Professionals

Reiki in the City offer Reiki-based stress management solutions for companies based in London and surrounding areas. Reiki is a Japanese alternative therapy that uses external energy to promote health and well-being.

Reiki in the City, founded by author and Reiki teacher, Dawn Mellowship and fellow Reiki teacher Andy Chrysostomou, offer Reiki training and treatments in the London area and Reiki-based stress management solutions for London based employees in the comfort of their office. Most people spend the best part of their lives at work and the stresses and strains of contemporary living and working can become a major problem for both employers and employees.

According to the 2008/09 Labour Force Survey (LFS) an estimated 415,000 individuals in Britain, working in the last year, believed that they were experiencing work related stress at a level that was making them ill. Estimates from the LFS suggest that self-reported work related stress, depression, or anxiety accounted for around 11.4 million lost working days in Britain in 2008/09 (Source: Health and Safety Executive.) In fact, work related stress is one of the biggest causes of sick leave. The HSE define stress as,

"The adverse reaction a person has to excessive pressure or other types of demand placed upon them."

Reiki in the City hope to alleviate some of this burden in England's capital city by providing 15 - 30 minute Reiki treatments on-site for employees, along with one-day Reiki training courses, that will provide employees with the opportunity to learn the art of Reiki and relaxation with other members of their work team. This is offers a fantastic chance for employees to use Reiki for themselves on a daily basis in order to promote personal health and wellbeing, with a broader positive impact on their home and work life.

Reiki is a Japanese energy healing modality originating in Japan that allows a trained Reiki practitioner to channel naturally occurring external energy into an individual, in order to promote health and well-being, reduce stress, boost the immune system and work directly on physical and emotional issues. It is simple to learn and practice.

About Reiki in the City
