Rachel M. Cooper's New Book 'Parenting a Child With Crohn's Disease' is an Informative Read on Crohn's Disease and the Trials That Come Along With It

Fulton Books author Rachel M. Cooper, a healthcare professional, has completed her most recent book "Parenting A Child with Crohn's Disease": an emotionally charged story inspired from the author and her son's battle against an inflammatory bowel disease. It contains an honest depiction of a mother who saw, right before her eyes, how her son is being beaten down by IBD. Despite the challenges, the young boy continued to be resilient and did not let his disease hinder his dreams. This is their inspiring journey.

Cooper shares, "One foot in front of the other—Born a healthy nine-pound-six-ounce baby boy, Cj was intelligent, happy, active, and motivated to do anything and everything he wanted to do. He had the world at his feet, and all family members was willing to make sure he strived at the top where he belonged. At age seven, Cj mapped out his school journey with no problem because he knew one day he would end up at college.

The year of 2000, who would have ever thought an unknown disease at the time would stir up so much chaos and disturbance in a person's life, parents included. Cj began to experience unusual things with his body, and all I can do was face it, head-on. Yes, things can happen at any time in your life, but what I found out about this disease changed how I viewed life as a parent and a human being, which will never be the same."

Published by Fulton Books, Rachel M. Cooper's book is a heartfelt exposition on the effect Crohn's has on a parent and her child. It also expounds on the medications, procedures, and complications to be expected of this disease.

Rachel M. Cooper's journey will be a great learning experience for parents.

Readers who wish to experience this insightful work can purchase "Parenting A Child with Crohn's Disease" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books