R. J. Fischer's New Book 'Telekinetic Golf and the President's Demise' is a Gripping Pursuit of Justice and Winning Over the Supremacists

Fulton Books author R. J. Fischer, an engineer and educator with a second master's degree in mathematics, has completed his most recent book "Telekinetic Golf and the President's Demise": a riveting tale about a telekinetic, Stuart, now on the run as he finds himself getting chased by the police after being wrongly accused. What Stuart thought to be a quick problem that he could easily solve turns out to become a national issue.

Fischer shares, "Stuart Bryson is a good but not great golfer who suddenly gets telekinesis and uses it to win professional golf tournaments, eventually making a lot of money. He loves to dance and meets a beautiful girl who also loves to dance. They fall in love.

"He likes to hike for exercise, and one time, he has to use his telekinetic power to defend himself, injuring his attackers. He eventually reports the incident to the police, but they have reported it before he has and accuse him of attacking them. Since he is unharmed and they are, the sheriff tries to put him in jail. He refuses and runs away. He is now a wanted man.

"During the story, it is found that the president of the United States is a fool and does many stupid things. People hope he will lose in the upcoming election. The president eventually loses the election but refuses to admit defeat. He has a large following of White supremacists who try to take over the government, making it into a dictatorship. Stuart and his friends, who have also acquired telekinesis in strange ways, fight them off.

"The book is action-packed with incidents causing him to use his telekinetic powers to defend himself and attack the supremacists."

Published by Fulton Books, R. J. Fischer's book will take readers along a thrilling adventure with Stuart as he and his telekinetic friends fight dictatorship and bring back peace in America.

Readers who wish to experience this exciting work can purchase "Telekinetic Golf and the President's Demise" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books