Questioning the Future of Health Insurance

Best-selling author and futurist Jack Uldrich will deliver a keynote address in Chandler, AZ addressing the future of healthcare and insurance.
Futurist Jack Uldrich

Today, the greatest change is the rate of change itself. Put another way; society is transitioning to a period of constant change.

"The net effect of such transition," says Futurist Jack Uldrich, "is that answers about the future are decreasing in value. This reality is, paradoxically, placing greater emphasis on the need to ask better questions.”

"Answers about the future are decreasing in value. This reality is, paradoxically, placing greater emphasis on the need to ask better questions."

Jack Uldrich, Healthcare Futurist & Best-selling Author

Jack Uldrich will share his thought-provoking presentation, "Question the Future" with his audience at Blue Cross Blue Shield in Chandler, AZ on April 11.

His talk will focus on how the art and science of framing and asking better questions. These questions will not only help the organization survive tomorrow’s rapidly changing insurance and healthcare environment but thrive by providing the critical insights necessary for confidently creating their future.

Uldrich has delivered keynotes for the Professional Insurance Marketing Association (PIMA) Conference, the 100th-anniversary celebration for Captive Life Insurance (CICA), Fireman's Fund Insurance, CAS (Actuarial Society), Munich Reinsurance America, Chubb and Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter Society (CPCU), among others.

To learn more about how Jack can customize this presentation for your group or organization, please contact Amy Tomczyk at or 651-343-0660.

Source: Jack Uldrich & The School of Unlearning

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