QR Barcodes - 2-D Diversity

- QR barcodes have become the urban advertiser's graffiti of choice.

Walls in every major city throughout the UK are being decorated with the scrambled faces of these nifty 2-D technological tools. But now they are moving off the walls and into other areas of our lives.

Some of the most interesting experiments with QR barcodes occurred on BBC 1's The Good Cook. During the credit roll at the end of the first episode producers displayed a QR barcode onscreen. When scanned, the code linked viewers to an online recipe for the episode's featured meal.

Although this first experiment had limited success, it wasn't until QR codes were used at a Doctor Who convention in the United States that people started to notice their potential. During the convention fans participated in a QR scavenger hunt - in which they were required to locate and scan hidden QR codes - to stand a chance of winning a mystery prize.

Urban advertisers have also latched onto this mystery element by creating advertorial posters that use QR puzzles. These interactive puzzles, which can only be solved if someone scans the code, allow the target audience to actively participate in the advertising process for the first time.

But the usefulness of QR barcodes isn't limited to sneaky advertising campaigns. They are also being used to deliver additional information in a neat package. At a recent international car show in Buenos Aires QR barcodes were displayed next to every car. When a QR code was scanned, it linked the smartphone to the specs of the car - making it unnecessary for event organisers to clutter the display floor with this information.

The broad range of uses for QR barcodes has presented several new business opportunities for the UK's label suppliers. South East Labels, located in West Sussex, is often commissioned to provide QR barcodes to a variety of industries. QR-users want their barcodes to register when scanned, and they see label suppliers as most reliable providers of this service.

The evolution of QR barcodes has been so rapid that it has been difficult to keep up at times. For now we can only wait to see what these nifty techno-accessories hold in-store for the future.

About South East Labels:

If you are looking for a barcode label supplier, then choosing an experienced company should be your top priority. With more than 20 years' experience, South East Labels has the know-how to ensure that you will be satisfied with all the labelling solutions they furnish for your needs.

About South East Labels

South East Labels
Unit 7, Broomers Hill Park Indstrial Estate
Pulborough West-Sussex,
RH20 2RY
