Pussy Galore Comedy Grabs Broadway Comedy Club for Equal Pay Benefit Oct. 27th

Natalie White (feat. June Playboy magazine), spokesperson for Equal Means Equal, is stepping into her great aunt Betty White's shoes and celebrating her 29th birthday by telling jokes to further women's rights (Pussygalorecomedy.com). The benefit is being held at Broadway Comedy Club (318 W 53rd St. NYC ) Fri. Oct. 27th 7pm $25. #SNL writer Erik Marino scheduled to appear.

Natalie White ( http://nataliewhiteforequalrights.org ) is turning 29 Oct. 27th and celebrating by trying on her great aunt Betty White's shoes and telling jokes to further women's rights at Broadway Comedy Club ( 318 W 53rd St. NY NY) at 7 pm. A portion of the proceeds will go to http://equalmeansequal.com, an organization lobbying on the frontlines of equal pay for women.

Co-producing the event is producer/comedienne Elizabeth Croydon ("Tonight Show", "Last Comic Standing" featured in this Daily Beast Article https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumpers-tryand-failto-silence-stand-up-comics ) whose movie "Underbelly Blues" dropped to Amazon Prime this summer. Scheduled to appear is #SNL's newly enlisted writer Erik Marino ("Weeds", "Ellen), HBO's Christy Miller (Creator of The Monthly Period Podcast), Comic Ryan Schutt (Two Dope Queens, Gotham Live) and other comics that support equal pay for women. Tickets and the full line up can be found here http://pussygalorecomedy.com

We want to create a brand of fearless comedy. Bold, intelligent, and truthful. Pussy Galore could do everything James Bond could, and she led a fleet of female pilots to raid Fort Knox of its gold. Pussy Galore was a free agent. Explore your inner pussy. When in Rome grab em by the Orange Julius. Laughter is the best resistance. When Natalie starts telling jokes there is no question she shares Betty White's DNA. It's in the blood.

Elizabeth Croydon, Founding member of PussyGaloreComedy.com

White and Croydon became fast friends bonding over their arrest experiences as activists. Ms. White walked from New York to Washington DC and wrote "ERA Now" on the Capitol Steps. Ms. Croydon has been arrested twice this year. C-Span caught her arrest after she spoke against the confirmation of Jefferson Sessions to Senator Lindsey Graham during Senate hearings. Her second arrest came on April 20th when she and six other activists decided to host the First Congressional joint Session and legally awarded two joints to every person on Capitol Hill with a federal ID. Croydon was held overnight and released with no charges.

It was Croydon that encouraged Ms. White to follow her great aunt's legacy and go into stand up comedy. "We had such a good time laughing at the current administration and its appointed clowns we had to take it to the stage," says Croydon. "We want to create a brand of fearless comedy. Bold, intelligent, and truthful. Pussy Galore could do everything  James Bond could, and she led a fleet of female pilots to raid Fort Knox of its gold. Pussy Galore was a free agent. Explore your inner pussy," Croydon teases intending to provoke a challenge.

"When in Rome, grab 'em by the Orange Julius, " Natalie White exclaims laughing loudly. The team has encountered some censorship when promoting on FCC airwaves. "If every news outlet can quote the President's 'locker room' talk and discuss the Russian band Pussy Riot, surely the world can accept our brand of feminsim and comedy. Pussy Galore Comedy aims to challenge and evoke laughter," explains White.

"Laughter is the best resistance," Croydon exclaims smiling broadly.

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