Progressive Christians Reclaim the Bible During the Season of Lent
New York, NY, February 15, 2016 ( - Thirty Seconds or Less, the world’s shortest podcast and youtube channel, is launching the #30SecondBible series during the 2016 season of Lent.
New York Times best selling author Rob Bell, the founding pastor of Mars Hill Bible Church in Grand Rapids, MI, reprises the sermon series he used to launch the innovative church with his #30SecondBible reflections on the book of Leviticus. The project also features New York Times best selling authors Brian McLaren and Fr. James Martin, SJ as well as prominent Christian leaders such as Diana Butler Bass, Rev. John C. Dorhauer, Rev. Emily Scott, Doug Pagitt, Rev. Will Gafney, Ph.D., Kent Dobson, Science Mike McHargue, Rev. Jes Kast-Keat, Rev. John Russell Stanger, and more.
This is the Bible for busy people, thirty seconds at a time.
Molly Baskette, Rev.
It would take the average person 65 hours of nonstop reading to make it through the entire Bible, from the opening "In the beginning" of Genesis to the closing "Amen" of Revelation. But most people would begin nodding off around hour 5, bogged down by the seemingly endless genealogies and Levitical codes.
Not to mention the fact that progressive and liberal Christians aren't typically known for their proclivity to read the Bible. They much rather read their favorite news app (because after all, God is still speaking).
The #30SecondBible series offers short audio/video summaries of each book of the Bible and reflections on the good news they contain. Follow along each day at to hear progressive and liberal Christians claiming the Bible as book that they know and love. This is the Bible for busy people, thirty seconds at a time.
About Thirty Seconds or Less
Thirty Seconds or Less is the world’s shortest podcast, a flash mob of ideas, hundreds of voices exploring the at of elimination. If you can’t say it in thirty seconds, you’re probably not ready to say it at all. Thirty Seconds or Less is a daily project with over 800 episodes from over 250 different contributors. The project is directed by Rev. Jim Kast-Keat and has been featured on Huffington Post, On Scripture, Faith Feminisms,,, and more.
About Jim Kast-Keat
Rev. Jim Kast-Keat is the Associate Minister for Education at Middle Collegiate Church in the East Village of New York City. He is a divergent thinker, an ideation specialist, and an aspiring minimalist. Prior to working at Middle he helped lead ikonNYC in New York, NY, worked as a Product Designer with Augsburg Fortress in Minneapolis, MN and was a pastor at Mars Hill Bible Church in Grand Rapids, MI. He is the creator and curator of where he shares ideas and amplifies voices every day. To find out more about Jim go to or follow him on twitter at @IdeasDoneDaily.
To learn more about Thirty Seconds or Less and the #30SecondBible series, please contact
Jim Kast-Keat
646-957-1054 // //