Professional Christian Football Athlete & Founder of REHABTIME Trent Shelton Releases BREAKING YOUR OWN HEART E-BOOK.


After leading a successful career in the NFL, Trent Shelton is now projecting his passion for empowering and inspiring the public into a spiritually exhilarating publication that is already garnering raving reviews. The former Washington Redskins player and founder of testimonial web site has released his debut book Breaking Your Own Heart, a first of many to follow, in which he seeks to instill worth in the readers, highlight the importance of faith, and emphasize being true to one's self. Trent Shelton collaborated with triathlete and fellow motivational speaker Baylor Barbee to perfectly craft the page-turning illustration of maintaining Christian principles in the time of despair and anguish.

Breaking Your Own Heart is a captivating piece that forces readers to face reality, take responsibility and reevaluate the love for themselves. After the viral success of his t-shirt campaign 'See My Heart, Not My Past,' Trent was inspired by God to follow-up with this book based on his own experiences as well as peer observations. The book artfully guide readers through short chapters such as "Expecting a Different Result When the Situation Doesn't Change" and "Knowing the Right Path, yet Choosing the Wrong One." Trent flawlessly combines life experiences and lifelike scenarios in order to evoke a sense of prosperity and self-assurance in his audience. His gift for inspiring and empowering has spread amongst the masses and has already allowed the book to receive 500+ downloads in the first week following its release with no marketing or advertising other than his personal Twitter and Facebook outlets. The Amazon Kindle Store and the official RehabTime Web site are currently the online locations in which Breaking Your Own Heart can be purchased for $4.99.

Trent Shelton who enjoyed significant success as a professional football player for the Indianapolis Colts, Washington Redskins and Seattle Seahawks in the late 2000's realized his true calling was not football but something else. By utilizing his football platform, Trent has been able to pursue his God-given purpose which is to help people condition both their minds and bodies, and to strengthen their personal relationships with Christ by overcoming the obstacles that life may bring. His online testimonials and inspiring twitter messages have evolved into a viral phenomenon garnering over 110,000 Twitter followers to date with thousands retweeting him and ultimately breeding the book. Trent currently serves as an in-demand guest speaker throughout schools, colleges, churches, celebrity events and much more. His REHABTIME THURSDAYS, a weekly 30 minute call-in line that features prominent guest speakers from professional athletes to influential leaders has seen a significant growth in call-ins from under 50 to 500-1000 callers each week. Trent is currently top ranked as one of the most inspiring people on the web along with the likes of Oprah and Bill Gates by

Trent who has found purpose off the field is excited about the movement that God has blessed him to lead and he plans to continue to live a purpose-filled life that he hopes will impact others to seek and fulfill their purpose as well.

For more information about Trent Shelton, RehabTime, and/or Breaking Your Own Heart, visit and or follow him on Twitter ( @ ) TrentShelton

Trent is available for media interviews, guest appearances & speaking engagements. If interested, please contact Linda Luna at linda ( @ ) lunachicpr dot com or 310-774-1999 dot

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