Priceless Stones Honored as Finalist in the 2013 USA Best Book Awards
Online, November 21, 2013 ( - Author James Revoir is proud to announce that Priceless Stones has been honored as a finalist in the "Religion: Prayer & Devotionals" category of the 2013 USA Best Book Awards. Priceless Stones may be purchased through the publisher at and on,, and a host of other online booksellers.
The culmination of over two years of intensive study, Priceless Stones beautifully merges the best of two worlds—academic scholarship and gut-level practicality. Citing two-hundred forty endnotes drawn from over fifty academic sources, Priceless Stones carries textbook-level credibility and invites the reader to pursue further research. At the same time, the language of Priceless Stones remains easily accessible to a wide spectrum of readers of all backgrounds. Uncommonly transparent, each page of Priceless Stones throws a window wide open into the life and heart of the author—incorporating into the narrative his personal successes as well as his failures.
Each daily message highlights one Old Testament verse or brief passage and focuses on one or more key words from the text of the Hebrew—the language in which the Old Testament was originally written. While drawing from Old Testament Scriptures, Priceless Stones is written through the prism of New Testament Christianity and the finished work of redemption which was accomplished through the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Each daily encouragement is reinforced by a concluding declaration and prayer. As an added bonus, appendices at the end of the book include a Scripture index and both Hebrew-English and English-Hebrew glossaries.
Prior to publication, Priceless Stones had already proven to be ideal for both individual and group study. Far from having a dogmatic tone, it is an encouraging volume, absolutely brimming over with a level of inspiration which lifts the reader above his or her present circumstances. It is the passion of the author to invite the reader to not only be acquainted with, but to personally experience, the amazing, incomprehensible, boundless love of God and to radically encounter Him on a deeply intimate level to such an extent that the reader is never the same again.
James Revoir has been an active believer since 1985, during which time he has served to some extent in virtually every facet of Christian ministry. His dominant gifts of teaching and writing are reflected throughout Priceless Stones. James completed his seminary training with a Master of Divinity from Oral Roberts University in 2008, where he studied both Old Testament Hebrew and New Testament Greek. While he has been writing as a hobby for over thirty years with a portfolio including approximately eighty poems, Priceless Stones is his first formally published work.
James lives in Denver, Colorado, where he serves on the staff of Tree of Life Church as leader of Adult Christian Education.