PositiveSingles.com Will Launch an Updated APP With Three Most Unique and Original Functions

PositiveSingles.com Will Launch an Updated APP With Three Most Unique and Original Functions

PositiveSingles.com is working on releasing its updated app with a host of new features that make using the app even better or unique than before.

“There are at least three major unique features that are really setting our app apart from all other dating sites and STD community sites in the world,” said the spokesperson of PositiveSingles.com.

There are at least three major unique features that are really setting our app apart from all other dating sites and STD community sites in the world.


New on the home screen are three unique functions: STD blogs, STD inspirational stories, and STD Q&A.

STD Blogs

The STD blog section, accessed on the bottom of the home page with the + button, allows users to post their own blogs and add to public blogs available on the site. There is no limitation or restriction on the type of blog, and all members are encouraged to post their own information. Those in the HIV community will find the blog section particularly helpful as they can read about others who are in the community, learn valuable information and get resources for help.

One blog user stated, “I have been living with Herpes 1&2 for years and have accepted where I am in life. I have come to terms that "we" are a package deal and have spent most my dating life ON THIS SITE or others like it to not go through the heartbreak that my affliction can sometimes bring. I, however, have just found a super great guy on another site that DID NOT flinch when I said the “H word”. He accepted me for who I am and thought that what saw found in me was well worth the risk!!) In exchange for his leap of faith I treat him like the treasure that he is; life is great!”

STD Inspirational Stories

Those in the STD and HIV community need to hear positive stories of people who have found a match for their specific needs and desires. The Inspirational Stories section is also available from the home screen. The spokesperson stated, “the HIV community really appreciates hearing about other people in the U.S. and Canada who have found happiness. So many of the community lack friends and positivity in their lives, this is a chance to give something back to them.”

A personal anecdote from one such user reads, “Do not let this define you. Know that you are not alone. Rise above the hate, both internal and external. This is an incredible website where we can make friends, build relationships, find love and support, and most of all....be yourself without being judged. I wish everyone the best of luck.”


The last new section of the app is the Q&A section. Designed with the newly diagnosed STD and HIV community member in mind, the section provides a wealth of knowledge about the app, dating within the community and resources for help in coping with their STD and HIV. This Q&A section is the first of its kind for the STD and HIV community.

“Each of our sections was something we knew had to become a part of our site and app. Our HIV community users have continually reported positive results and real happiness. This was the goal of our site and app all along,” continued the spokesperson.

PositiveSingles.com is currently the world’s largest online community for people with various STDs and HIV. On the site and the app, users can find friends, potential dates and more in a judgment-free atmosphere catered to their specific, sensitive needs. The PositiveSingles.com community has saved lives of countless and previously hopeless HIV and STD sufferers.

The new version of the app for iOS is set to release in the Apple App Store soon.

Source: PositiveSingles.com