Patricia Wallace's New Book 'God's Messages of Love' Expresses God's Undying Love in Strings of Rhymes and Wisdom

Fulton Books author Patricia Wallace, a loving wife, a mother of four, and a writer of poetry since 12, has completed her most recent book "God's Messages of Love": an enthralling read that assures the heart of God's endless love, as well as the capacity of the human heart to love and be loved.

Patricia writes, "Everyone cries in their heart, 'Please, Love Me.'

Even, my Jack Russell dog wants to be loved.

In return, he is happy to see me.

God's Love is what everyone needs for peace

joy and hope in this world.

This book is full of God's love for you

and your loved ones.  I know in my heart

without a doubt, He loves everyone.

I give thanks to my Lord for the gift of His Love.

And I know God wants to heal us.

All we have to do is to have faith and believe.

In His seasons of life. Which is my second book

I hope you be able read someday.  In Your Seasons of love.

My Love and Prayers. Patsy Wallace"

Published by Fulton Books, Patricia Wallace's book stirs the heart with enchanting verses of love, faith, and gratitude.

Readers who wish to experience this captivating work can purchase "God's Messages of Love" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

Source: Fulton Books