'Paddy's Forest Trek' Creates a New Era for Elementary Education

Brand New Children's Book Series to Promote Educational Value and Implement Joy in Young Readers
Paddy's Forest Trek

Looking for a book to read to your child or students for Earth Day? “Paddy’s Forest Trek” written by Patti Gill is an engaging and informative narrative nonfiction story about a young porcupine and his friend who spend a fun-filled day on a forest adventure, learning fascinating information about trees. The characters develop a genuine friendship as they pursue their quest. 

This book is targeted for ages 5-8 or children in pre-kindergarten to second grade. This book creatively introduces scientific concepts about plants and plant growth. The question and answer format along with specific kid-friendly vocabulary is seamless to allow essential information to be delivered in a concise manner to enhance comprehension.

Author Patti Gill strategically formulated this book around the current academic status among elementary schools in both urban and suburban districts. She said, “Due to testing pressures, schools rarely have time to go in-depth at the elementary level with necessary science and history content critical for helping students to become proficient readers. I wanted to provide parents and teachers with a creative solution on how to build background core knowledge, while exposing children to domain-specific language.”

“Paddy’s Forest Trek” is the first book in the new upcoming narrative nonfictional series where Paddy will take adventures around the globe and throughout time learning about different informational topics. The new book, released on Aug. 31, 2017, can be purchased on Amazon, Litfire.com and online at Barnes & Noble.

For more information about the book as well as the upcoming series, check out Patti Gill’s website at www.pattigill.com.

About Patti Gill: With more than 25 years of experience in the teaching field, Patti Gill started out as an elementary school teacher. She expanded her field of expertise as a literacy consultant to confidently help schools achieve their literacy goals. She has been an educator for all levels of schooling, including elementary, middle, high, undergraduate and graduate. Patti Gill founded Personalized Lesson Plans, which provides comprehensive professional development services for grades K-12.  

Contact: Kali Gill
Email: kalisgill25@gmail.com
Telephone: (610) 731-4179

Source: Patti Gill

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Personalized Lesson Plans
153 Buckwalter Rd
Royersford, PA
