Online Video Advertising Authority,, Offers Free Ad Service To New Customers Every Month

Building an online presence is a necessity in today's marketplace but, by its very nature, it creates a distance between buyer and seller.

Realizing the power of making a mark in the online and mobile arena, businesses tend to focus their strategy on marketing campaigns done through video campaigns. It is no secret, however, that business owners find it difficult to get the most out of their video marketing or mobile marketing campaign. In such cases, the issue often lies on the marketing approach being employed in order to produce results. No matter how much money is spent, businesses may not always get the most of their marketing investment.

Leveraging technology to bring businesses and customers together, Ogle Ad bridges the gap by bringing back the personal touch in its unique video and mobile marketing platform. Through its website, the online video advertising specialist helps business owners send their video campaign out to their target market by becoming the platform for 24/7 brand awareness and exposure, and connecting that video to consumers.

By the same token, gives existing customers a familiar face, while allowing potential customers the chance to check out a business, read reviews made by fellow shoppers and get a real feel for what they're about.

Marketing staff from Blue Sky Real Estate Ltd. have left a note praising for its work: "Since 2000, we have been trading, and advertising, using traditional methods. Knowing an online presence is important today, we made the decision to post a video on Ogle Ad and are so glad we did. Our business has picked up considerably, both in enquiries and overall profits. We now receive an additional 10 calls a day as a direct result of our video. We feel advertising on Ogle Ad has helped us stand out from competitors and that it is a valuable resource for businesses."

To further help businesses progress in their mobile marketing and video marketing campaigns, is offering free video advertising every month to new customers. By registering their business for free at the website and uploading the video advertisement, businesses can connect to customer online and mobile devices.

For effective video and online marketing, businesses should visit and take advantage of the free advertising via video, which will be played to consumers' online and offline mobile devices.

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