Onita Gibson-Simmons' New Book 'The Front Lines' is an Uplifting Story That Aims to Help Children and Their Family Stay Hopeful in This Pandemic Crisis

Fulton Books author Onita Gibson-Simmons, a native of New York, an innately creative and has the passion for literature, music, and arts; a dialysis nurse, a loving mother who now resides in Baltimore, Maryland, has completed her most recent book "The Front Lines": a heartening short read meant to inspire young readers to remain positive and continue to hope for the brighter days ahead. This tale is narrated through the eyes of a young girl who wonders at the sudden changes of her environment. Her Dad is not going to work. Home becomes her new school, no graduations and all. No more weekend gatherings at her grandparents' house. Lastly, her mother always comes home tired from working at the front lines. 

Gibson-Simmons shares, "With COVID-19 in full effect, a family of four is impacted deeply by current events yet still manages to keep their bond strong although there are no certain answers of what's to come. In a time of uncertainty, family is most important as we look into how this pandemic has affected the world as well as pay homage and give thanks to all the frontline workers who remained in the workforce in such trying times. Again, we say thank you to all those who have taken the time to remain on the front lines."

Published by Fulton Books, Onita Gibson-Simmons' book is a relevant story that addresses facts and emotions surrounding the current crisis that the world is facing. The author uses the voice of a little girl in her storytelling to relay important information that will be graspable by the young audiences.

This wonderful picture book also pays tribute to the sacrifices and hard work of the people in the front lines.

Readers who wish to experience this informative work can purchase "The Front Lines" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books